- Batty, Dr Margaret (1998) James Hamilton MD. FRCP Ed. 1741-1827 of Dunbar, Physician & Preacher World Methodism Historical Society
- Bunyan, Stephen (1991 3rd ed) A walk round historic Dunbar East Lothian Tourist Board & LEEL
- Crone, B.A. (1992) ‘An Iron Age cist at North Belton Farm, Dunbar’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 122, pp161-70
- Dennison, Dr Patricia, & Stronach, Simon (awaiting publication) Historic Dunbar (Scottish Burgh Survey) Historic Scotland
- Donaldson, Gordon & Bunyan, Stephen (1987) Dunbar Parish Church – Tribute to the Past, Hope for the Future: three papers East Lothian Antiquarian & Field Naturalists’ Society ISBN 0141 1637
- East Lothian Council (various dates) East Lothian Countryside Ranger Service: annual report
- East Lothian Council (various dates) John Muir Country Park; Annual Report
- East Lothian County Council (1953) Survey Report
- East Lothian Council (2000) East Lothian Business Directory
- Glass, Lena (1997) Slate to Disc 1897-1997 Dunbar Schools Centenary Book
- Hendrie, W.F. (1997) The Dominie: A Profile of the Scottish Headmaster John Donald
- Hill, P.H. (1982) ‘Broxmouth hill-fort excavations, 1977-78: an interim report’, in Harding, D W (ed) Later prehistoric settlement in south-east Scotland, pp141-88 (Department of Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, Occasional Paper No. 8)
- Knox, Ally (1993) ‘Beltonford Paper Mill and the Annandale family from a Photographic Archive’ East Lothian Antiquarian & Field Naturalists’ Society Transactions Vol 22, pp1-21
- Land Use Consultants for the Countryside Commission for Scotland, CCS (later Scottish Natural Heritage, SNH) and Historic Buildings and Monuments Directorate, Scottish Development Department (first published c 1987, 1997 reprint) The Inventory of Gardens & Designed Landscapes in Scotland: Volume 5: Lothian & Borders (Belhaven House pp 18-21)
- Longworth, I.H. (1966) ‘A massive cist with multiple burials of Iron Age date at Lochend, Dunbar’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 98, pp173-98
- McMartin, J.S (1958) The History of Dunbar Castle Lodge 1758-1958, Croal
- McMaster, Charles & Rutherford, Tom (1985) A History of the Belhaven Brewery The Scottish Brewing Archive
- McNie, John (2002) Dunbar Parish Church – Place and People
- The Meteorological Office (1989) The Climate of Scotland, Some Facts and Figures HMSO
- Moloney, C. (2001) ‘New evidence for the origins and evolution of Dunbar; excavations at the Captain’s Cabin, Castle Park, Dunbar, East Lothian’ Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (PSAS) 131 pp283-318
- National Archives of Scotland (NAS) 1962 October 25 Discontinuance of Rural Schools in East Lothian NAS ED/1650
- Perry, D.R. (2000) Castle Park, Dunbar: two thousand years on a fortified headland, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Monograph Series Number 16
- Philip, H.L. (1995) A Short History of National School Certificates in Scotland Scottish Examination Board
- Pugh, R.J.M. (2003) Swords, Loaves & Fishes: a History of Dunbar Harlaw Heritage
- Robinson, Beryl (1999) A Living from the Land: the reminiscences of Tom Porteous – East Lothian ploughboy, forester and ‘handyman’ Gullane and District History Society
- Scottish Natural Heritage & Historic Scotland (2001) An Inventory of Gardens & Designed Landscapes: Supplementary Volume 1: Lothians (Broxmouth pp 6-11)
- Skinner, Basil (1969) The Lime Industry in the Lothians Edinburgh University
- Shinn, Jnr, R.F. (1990) Arthur Berridale Keith 1879-1944 – the Chief Ornament of Scottish Learning pp117-119 Aberdeen University Press
- Smeed, P. (2000) Dunbar in Living Memory East Lothian Council Museums Service
- Tindall, F. (1998) Memoirs and Confessions of a County Planning Officer Pantile Press
- Triscott, J. (1982) ‘Excavations at Dryburn Bridge’, in Harding, D.W. (ed) Later prehistoric settlement in south-east Scotland, pp117-24 (Department of Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, Occasional Paper No. 8)
- Wordsworth, J. (1983) ‘Friarscroft and the Trinitarians in Dunbar’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 113, pp478-88
- The main research on flora and fauna in the parish can be found in the management booklets produced by the East Lothian ranger service; these cover both John Muir Country Park and Barns Ness for which reports are regularly produced.
- Birds – some site-specific contemporary information, with species and dates, is found at www.the-soc.org.uk/site-finder.htm
- www.andrewsi.freeserve.co.uk/lothian-sites4.htm.
- Blue Circle Cement Dunbar Works Brochure – Internet Edition (nd probably c2000) www.bluecircle.co.uk
- Camping – www.meadowhead.co.uk/BelhavenHome.aspx, www.campingandcaravanningclub.co.uk/siteseekersearch/aspx/search.aspx
- The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland www.rcahms.gov.uk
- www.buildingsatrisk.org.uk for the register of such buildings
- www.scottishcivictrust.org.uk
- www.dunbarfamilysociety.org.uk
- www.dunbar.org.uk the official town site
- West Barns Primary Information Handbook, www.westbarnsprimaryschool.com now only accessible via the Internet Archive (www.archive.org): http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20090604173126/http://www.westbarnsprimaryschool.com/