Athelstaneford | Population

With a population of some 650 people, this figure is very similar to the 1931 and 1951 levels of population if the hospital numbers are taken out. Athelstaneford lies squeezed between the A1 and the railway only 22 miles from Edinburgh.

By parish, from the General Registrar’s office
1931 945 431M 514F
1951 1205 648M 557F
1961 982 515M 467F
1971 866 457M 409F
1981 791 399M 392F
By Small Area Statistics – census
1991 631 299M 332F 257 123M 134F
2001 659 326M 333F NO DATA
By Parish, from ELDC By settlement, from ELDC
1991 535
1997 (est.) 644 329M 316F 260 (87 Drem)

Population figures are difficult to compare, as no two sources extract data in the same way.