Margaret E Morrison
Select a Year 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
1917 | Jan | Longniddry | |
Sept. | Macmerry | ||
Dec. | Tranent | ||
1918 | Mar. | Ormiston | Closed 1995 |
1919 | Jan | Haddington | |
Oct. | Humbie | ||
1920 | Mar. | Dunbar | |
Aug. | West Barns | ||
1921 | Mar. | Elphinstone | Closed 1957 due to lack of support |
1922 | Nov. | Crossroads | Closed – last meeting – March 1970 |
Dec. | Spott | ||
1923 | February | Pencaitland | |
September | Gifford | ||
September | Saltoun | Closed 1999 | |
November | Prestonkirk | ||
December | Whitekirk | Closed 1991 | |
1924 | November | Innerwick | Closed – April 1985 |
December | Athelstaneford | ||
1925 | November | Aberlady | |
1926 | May | Garvald | Closed 2000 |
November | Bolton | Closed 1987 | |
Nov | Gullane | ||
1929 | October | Morham | |
October | Cockenzie | Closed 1989 | |
December | Oldhamstocks | ||
1948 | Dirleton | ||
1951 | Stenton | Closed 1993 | |
1953 | Kingston | Linked with N.Berwick ’84 | |
1966 | January | Herdmanflatt | Closed May 1968 |
- Chairman: Grace Hay. All Institutes sent delegates to Exec. Com. Meetings. AGM held 31st October: Mtgs. 1st Dec.; 1st March; 7th June; 6th Sept.
- Institutes: Aberlady; Athelstaneford; Bolton; Crossroads; Cockenzie; Dunbar; Elphinstone; Garvald; Gifford; Gullane; Haddington; Humbie; Longniddry; Macmerry; Morham; Ormiston; Prestonkirk; Saltoun; Tranent; West Barns; Whitekirk
- 50 lbs. Wool for garments for The Children of Liberated Europe also
- American seeds to be distributed amongst Institutes.
- Canning Centres canned over 1300 cans of fruit.
- Fed. Levy 1/1d. Affiliation Fee: 2/6d
- New Institutes: Spott & Innerwick.
- Music & Drama encouraged by Central Council & Class in China Painting.
- From Haddington Inst.To Central Council – Resolution: ‘We, the women of the WRI, protest strongly against the inadequacy of the coming clothing ration of 14 coupons. Does the Minister, Sir Stafford Cripps realise that not only have women to clothe themselves on their ration, but have also to supply the necessities of the home, i.e. curtains, towels, etc. It would uplift the morale of the women if some of the necessities, household & personal, which according to the press, are plentiful, could be released from coupons or considerably reduced in coupon value’.
- 800lbs. Of Rose Hips collected & sent from E.L. Over 2000 cans of fruit processed
- National Conference held.
- Delegates from EL agreed that CC should take action reg. Double Summer Time; Points Rationing; & New Health Bill.
- Formation of Handcraft & Housewives Guilds in EL. Being discussed – Handcraft & Housewives Guilds.
- 15 members attended a 1-day school in canning.
- Music Conference at Aberdeen & Summer School in Leading of Music Appreciation Groups.
- 18 tins of honey sent from Countrywomen of Australia – recipients drawn by lots.
- At Housewives Com. Mtg. Members encouraged to make complaints to local Fuel Overseer regarding. Fuel.
- Gathered Rose Hips – £50 raised for Fed. Funds
- Exhibition of Traditional Scottish Pottery in Haddington.
- Dr Catherine Snodgrass Research Officer for EL spoke in connection of 3rd Statistical Account in Dec.
- Headquarters opened a Fund for a present for Princess Elizabeth for a Wedding Gift – Members asked to donate 6d.each
- Close of year – 31st October – membership 1244 an increase of 289 due to the re-opening of Innerwick, Pencaitland, Morham & Oldhamstocks, & Dirleton.
- New canning machine bought.
- 9 members attended a class in Edinburgh on on-Glaze Pottery Painting.
- All Inst. Submitted names of their delegates elected to serve on the County Guilds Com.
- Miss Burnett Smith elected Federation Chairman.
- Membership 1491 with 26 Institutes.
- Excellent & Successful Scottish Pottery Exhibition held in April.
- First report from Housewives Guild who held a 1-day school for 40 members in Interior Decorations, & re-upholstery. No. in Guild now 299, & at a second meeting a Ministry of Food demonstrator gave a talk.
- Handcrafts Guild – Exhibition 27th May – Demonstration of Pottery painting; Patchwork; Applique; Lampshades; Scottish Quilting. Guild members also gave demonstrations. Scarcity of materials mentioned.
- Federation Whist Drive discussed – but difficulty of transport suggested that each Institute should have its own whist drive, with the winners then going forward to a final in Haddington.
- Federation submitted an objection that a £50 donation should be annually donated to ACWW by Headquarters, as it had not previously been discussed. A full report on work of ACWW should be published in monthly magazine.
- Fruit Canning: Charge of use of machine 1d. per can
- Fund raising for Guilds by Whist Drives.
- Volunteers asked for by HQ for sewers for Princess Elizabeth’s wedding gift, work parties to begin in March.
- No rose hips required this year.
- Proposed that Friendship Parcels sent from Countrywomen USA should go to victims of recent floods.
- Central Council suggests that a guild of members be formed interested in promotion of Music & Drama.
- Affiliation Fee: 2/6d; Federation Levy: 1/1d. Cost of Rural Mag. – increased to 6d.
- Entries for Garden Competition disappointing
- Loan Boxes in Needlework Development Scheme ready in Feb ’49.
- Suggested that the Education Committee of County Council should provide a teacher for a class for handicrafts
- Membership – 1597
- Sewers who worked on the Princess’s Gift Quilting: Mrs Morrice, Haddington; Embroidery -Miss Common, Humbie; Rugmaking – Mrs Dickson, West Barns & Mrs Apedaile, Gullane.Tapestry – Mrs Morris?
- It was noted that the last Housewives Guild Mtg. was poorly attended.
- Handcrafts Guild – formation of a weaving class with prospect of members working on a commercial scale.
- Dunbar Drama Group representing EL in Drama & Music Conference in Stirling & won The Anstruther Gray Cup. Prestonkirk & Crossroads both have drama groups
- Delegates were asked to go back to their Institutes to encourage members with extra eggs to spare to donate them to their local hospitals, as patients only got same allocation as ordinary ration book holders.
- It was announced that MOF would supply rationed food to Institutes on application to East Lothian Food Executive for buying a permit.
- Affiliation Fee – 2/6d; Levy – 1/1d per member.
- Honorarium to Sec. To be increased in view of volume of work involved.
- Several Inst. Now own their own canning machines.
- Rally Committee intimate that Cooperative Exhibition should be for a ‘Shop Window’.
- Secretary read the report of the representative from Federation to County Council Youth Council.
- Membership – 1600 – 26 Institutes.
- All 4 Executive meetings held in year – well attended. Guilds:- Intensive rug-making class; also special tea laid on using compost-grown stone-ground flour.
- Federation to have stall at June Nat. Conference, displaying Craft Work.
- After a lapse of 11 years, plans being made to hold a Grand Rally in May 1951.
- Noted that premises in Heriot Row purchased by SWRI for £7000; balance of £1600/1700 to be used on alterations.
- Central Council representative reported that, following recent complaints of unsatisfactory utility garments being offered for sale, the Board Of Trade intimated that 3 grades of utility garments were manufactured, & reasonable complaints would be considered.
- There was a Rose Hip Collection this year. – £17.13s given to Federation from sales thereof.
- Further report from Fed Youth Council representative.
- Mrs Mary Dale elected as Chairman
- Intensive Rug-Making Course – 16 members attend.
- Central Council Levy – 8d per member.
- Residential Public Speaking Course attended.
- Noted universal lack of qualified teachers of crafts, so craft workers urged to sit tests to hand on knowledge. Crafts to be prepared for Festival of Britain.
- Membership – 1663 – new Institute at Stenton of 31 members.
- Scheme to provide Guides to show overseas visitors around East Lothian set up.
- Rose Hip Collection.
- Festival Exhibition held in September. – 25 exhibits from East Lothian, also 10 demonstrations on 4 subjects by East Lothian members, including tatting; short pile rugmaking;etc. 30 members volunteered to act as Stewards. East Lothian Federation helped with catering at Exhibition.
- Noted that Federation Secretary had an office in Gullane.
- Fed. Levy now 2/- per member.
- Rally held in May – judges comment that it was of an exceptionally high standard. Cooperative entry – shop window; Longniddry & Humbie won most awards.
- At June Executive meeting it was unanimously agreed that the 2 Guilds should amalgamate. – Housewives & Handcrafts.
- Noted that at March Meeting 25 of the 26 Institutes were represented by 1 or 2 members:
- Intimated a letter from Communist Party offering to send a speaker to Institute meetings turned down.
- Request for volunteer to help Federation Secretary – received no offers.
- East Lothian Federation submitted resolution from Gullane – ‘That EL Fed deplores the present trend of policy as pursued by Central Council with special regard to the increasing emphasis on Internationalism & the cost thereof. It feels that SWRI members who are interested in internationalism can join appropriate organisations, leaving SWRI to pursue its original aims & objects, with such changes & changing times require’.
- Report on Youth Council.
- Speaker from School of Drama on ‘How to Produce a Play’.
- 2-day school at Moray House on ‘How to Teach Crafts’.
- A suggestion that Red Cross should provide a chiropodist to attend in outlying districts those who are unable to get transport to Haddington.
- Scottish Education decreased Grant from £100 to £60 for evening classes to members, but Central Council have increased theirs.
- Drama still playing an important part in Institute life.
- Some members’ husbands sent donations to help after damage sustained in Caithness.
- Appeal for wearing apparel of 18th C to be displayed at Exhibition at Edinburgh Festival.
- Member form Longniddry co-opted on to SESE Consultative Committee.
- New Institute – Kingston
- Elphinstone & Ormiston having difficulty in continuing.
- Chairman, Mrs Dale elected as SWRI rep. on Board of Governors of East of Scotland College of Agriculture & SWRI rep. to British Standards Institution.
- Second Rally since 1939 held in Haddington was in May – Dunbar gained award for highest number of individual awards, & Garvald for highest in Cooperative Competition, with a very high standard of embroidery, which is encouraged in that Institute.
- 6 members of ACWW visited East Lothian & handsomely entertained.
- 178 on Federation outing to the Clyde, & also were in party to London in Sept.
- Seats on Coronation Route – Institutes unwilling to nominate persons for ticket; Mrs Dale represented East Lothian
- Prestonkirk Drama won competition in NB Festival.
- Decided that foodstuffs too costly to prepare only for show, it was decided that the Cooperative Comp should be only handcrafts – subject ‘County Fair’.
- Royal Highland Agricultural Society donates a Grant of £10 for County Rally.
- Request for assistance in Pencaitland & Ormiston districts for helpers with Blood Transfusion Service.
- Rural representatives to both Youth Council & Young Farmers.
- Request from local doctor for baby clothes for needy in county
- Mrs Dale Chairman at meeting held in County Buildings.
- Elphinstone officially disbands Institute – difficulty to get leaders.
- Members informed that 1955 Highland Show to be held near Edinburgh & expected to man SWRI stand – Rural Gas Co offered to lend appliances for duration of Show – accepted. H&H – class in the making of household made cheese. Class in Hedgerow Basketry considered.
- President of Kingston Institute to represent East Lothian Federation on Committee of the Standing Conference of Woman Organisations (Edin.)
- 30 East Lothian members on special trip to London.
- Letter from Secretary of RHAS re £10 grant to East Lothian Federation – suggesting that it should form the nucleus of a Craft Competition to be held before the Highland Show to stimulate interest in Craft Work, & so have a supply of exhibits ready for the Highland Show stand. Institutes asked to have one member to represent them with an item.
- Fed. Levy – 2/- & Affiliation Fee – 2/6d
- Mrs Dale Chairman
- Profit from Stand at RHAS – £53. As money represented the work & generosity of WRI members, it would be used to benefit Institutes. Chairman congratulated members for display of crafts, baking & floral arrangements
- The Chairman in her report spoke of having visited many of the Institutes during the year.27 Institutes of 1445 members. Quarterly meetings all well attended.
- Busy year – Cup Competitions in May & RHAS in June.
- Entries from Lena Meiklejohn Trophy & Vaughan Nash Prize for Embroidery to be on show at National Conference.
- H/H Guild – Pressure Cookers to be included in Tests; also to press for the reduction in price of packets of washing powders in place of coupons sent by post.
- Dunbar successful in Drama Comps.
- Excellent Craft Comp held in May.
- Use of money from Highland Show discussed –
- Miss Attwell to talk on Drama & Public Speaking;
- Competition for best-dressed doll of a female farm worker of 50 years ago.
- Member attended a day at School of Mime in Glasgow.
- Delegates attended with a stall a Garden Fete to raise money for Whitekirk Church at which they raised £56.
- Federation urged to ask members to enter Industrial Section at East Lothian Agricultural Show.
- Speakers & Demonstrators willing to visit Instutes – Electrolux; Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food, Royal Blind Asylum & Brooke Bond.
- To encourage more members to participate in Judges School it was decided that Federation should pay members’ fees of 2/6d each.
- Congratulations to a Humbie member for gaining a prize at the Inverness Highland Show.
- Members attended residential courses in Floral Art; & Public Speaking.
- Chairman mentioned that on her travels throughout the County she was pleased how many members had ‘found themselves’ as a result of joining SWRI
- Membership down from 1477 to 1355, but interest in all aspects of the movement increasing.
- Mrs Simpson Fed. Chairman.
- 40th Anniversary of founding SWRI. Longniddry having a special party, inviting Federation Representatives & others. Decided that a Fed celebration should be at 50th.Anniversary.
- Dunbar Won Anstruther Gray Cup at Drama Festival held in Greenock. President informed Fed that a former admirer of the drama group had left them a legacy of £250.
- Stewards asked for the Festival of Women at Wembley in June. Appeal for members to fill the tartan-covered boxes supplied by Headquarters with home-made shortbread to be sold at Wembley. 19 Institutes & individuals accepted, filling 50 boxes
- Reported that HQ had an excellent demonstrator in Household repairs.
- Rally in Town House in May – Cooperative Competition. – 8 Gifts for a Bride costing not more than £10.
- Chairman attended British Standards Institution in London & passed on the advice to buy carpets that were labelled with the maker’s name. Also to use pyjamas instead of nightgowns for girls!
- 3 members attended a School of Mime in Edinburgh.
- East Lothian – resolution at National Conference. – reg. The supplying of cheap or free milk to the elderly & infirm.
- 27 Institutes – 1 in abeyance at Elphinstone & 1260 members.
- One-day school in Voice Production & Public Speaking;
- Examples of toy-making & tea cosies sent to display at National Conference.
- Purchase of Home Projector by Federation.
- Federation had a stall to raise funds for restoration of Haddington House.
- East Lothian Uglies were made by several members to be on sale at ACWW Conference in Edinburgh. Dunbar & Stenton have agreed to take part in a Pageant at the Conference called Daughters of Scotland.
- H/H Guild visited Thistle Foundation
- Highlight of year – Grand Rally in Town House – 1250 entries & 16 Institutes entered the Cooperative Comp. for 8 Wedding Gifts costing not more than £10.
- 3-day school in Citizenship to be held outwith East Lothian.
- A member of Gullane gained her Judge’s Bar at a school in Orkney on judging Floral Art.
- School -Business Procedure & Speech Training held in Jan, to which member attended – org. by CC Education Committee.
- Old farmworker bonnets made by members collected – larger bonnets to sell at 21/-; smaller @ 10/6d – to be sold @ ACWW Conference – 31 in all.
- Tribute paid to memory of Mrs McManus, member of Longniddry since 1918, having served 20 yrs as Secretary, & also as President; Convenor of Housewives Guild & Fed. & Press Sec.
- Dunbar won Anstruther Gray Trophy at Lasswade.
- Craft van touring East Lothian to foster craft of embroidery;
- East Lothian Membership 1096 in 27 Institutes.
- Central Council Levy – 1/6d of 2/4d, which included Fed. Levy.
- Discussed permanent site for new Highland Show ground.
- East Lothian responded to Invitation to cater for the 200 players taking part in Pageant, Daughters of Scotland – 12 players from Stenton & Dunbar taking part.
- Elphinstone still in abeyance.
- Dunbar, Innerwick, Prestonkirk & Stenton all took part in a play ‘The Bonny Wedding’.
- Plans made for a Bulb Show in March 1960
- 300 entries for Bulb Show Sales Table & Prize Draw. RH&A Society increased value of prizes – 1st -6/6d; 2nd – 4/6d; 3rd – 2/6d.
- Day course on Scottish History, art & literature attended by a member.
- Loan Boxes.
- One-day school on Housewifery.
- Craft Van – doing 8 or 9 classes with not more than 15 students per class in October.
- Members asked to express an opinion on AID.
- Essay Competition.
- Each Institute to contribute a gift for a Prize Draw to raise funds for the 1961 Rally
- Membership 1181 in 27 Institutes.
- Elphinstone still in abeyance.
- Noted that Morham – 13 members – last attended a Federation Meeting. in 1958;& Ormiston – 21 members in 1956.
- Bulb Show – March
- British Railways tour to Clyde – May.
- Oct – Craft Van with 2 teachers. 90 pieces of embroidery on show at Federation Meeting, having been designed & worked by students.
- One member helped with embroidery of place mats as a gift to Princess Margaret’s Wedding.
- Difficulty in finding a Federation Representative for Youth Committee.
- Noted that East Lothian was behind in contributions to SWRI Premises Fund. – £20 sent.
- Handcraft Show – Noted that Provost of Haddington; the Director of Education; Heads of Homecraft Dept at the 5 Secondary Schools Chairman & Secretary of Berwickshire Federation; Mid & West Lothian all invited; Mrs Douglas, Dunbar asked to embroider a trolley cloth to donate to Mrs Shann. Judges for Show were – Knitting – HH Industries & Paton Baldwin; Lace – JP Coats; Embroidery/Patchwork/Quilting – Messrs Thomson & Swain; Garments – Strachan & Friend. Rugs; Other Crafts; Photographs; Produce – College of Agriculture. Community Competition – Tea Table & Store Cupboard (6 judges)
- Outbreak of Foot & Mouth.
- Noted that Federations were formed in 1922
- Mrs Clapperton elected as Chairman on death of Mrs Simpson.
- AGM – 5th Dec.
- Gifford sending 10 members to Classes in Drawing & Painting in 1962.
- Membership 1136 – drop of 36.
- Harwells of Colinton to purvey at Gosford for the 40th Anniversary Garden Party at 5/6d per head inc. marquee in 1962.
- Speakers offered from NHS to Institutes.
- Rep from SWRI to Scottish Women’s Advisory Service on Solid Fuel
- One day conference at British Standards Institute subjects for discussion from East Lothian were – Misleading Quantities on Spin Dryers; Cookers. Sale of Trousers for 5yr olds made in material to be dry-cleaned; knots in knitting wool; Width of new style sheets for divan beds & drip dry shirts.
- Preparations being formed for East Lothian hosting stand at Royal Highland – suggestions being a maker of ‘Ugly’ working & a Fisherwife gutting fish. Funds to be raised by Federation Baking Stall.
- Letter from County Clerk accepting notice of receipt of letter from SWRI Federation regarding the closure of several County Schools
- Membership fallen by 292 during past year. Federation encouraging Institutes to enroll 2 members each to make numbers up.
- Central Council levy still 1/6d per member.
- Whitekirk SWRI to apply to County Council for a rebate for use of their hall – eventually received a 50% rebate on cost of hiring Hall.
- Letter from County Medical Officer requesting members to continue to encourage children to take care of their teeth.
- So far 411 tickets sold for forthcoming Garden Party at 5/6d per head; number required- a minimum of 500.
- Empty Dried Milk Tins to be collected by Federation
- British Railway trip to Millport as usual.
- Noted: Death of Lady Husey Baird – former Chairman of Fed.
- Garden Party – Earl & Countess of Wemyss kindly lent the use of the Marble House & Gallery – thanks to Longniddry WRI for catering & display of articles in exhibition – also to Longniddry Kirk Session & Scouts for loaning chairs & tables – to those who provided transport free of charge for function – Red Cross for service of 2 VADs. To those who provided music & Longniddry & Cockenzie Dancing Teams. In all 540 attended.
- One-day school on Common Market
- Three-day school at Largs on ‘Study of Youth’
- Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society giving £20 prize for March 1963 Bulb Show.
- Dunbar only Institute interested in Drama Competition – Anstruther Gray Competition
- Annual Business Meeting – 27th Nov. 1962 –
- For 1963 Royal Highland Show – East Lothian to take part with Lanarkshire; Midlothian; & West Lothian. East Lothian to display Soft Furnishings. Prize Draw – East Lothian to provide 4 items – Dressed Doll; Baby’s Shawl; Soft Toy; & Cushion.
- 1964 Rally planned – Corn Exchange booked at cost of £30. Agreed to divide Rally & have Craft Work in ’64, & bakery & Produce & Bulb Show in ’65. Cooperative Competition – Gift for a 21 Year Old Daughter.
- Membership increase from 1136 to 1197.
- Mrs Apedaile still acting as both Treasurer & Secretary, but agreed to take on an Assistant Secretary.
- Dunbar won another drama success.
- Agreed to ask Edinburgh College of Domestic Science to Judge the work in the 1964 Rally.
- Plans being made for display at Royal Highland Show – Sales Table & Demonstrations.
- Several members attended one-day school offered by Education Committee.
- Other Schools – 5 one-day schools for Drawing & painting made possible by grant from Carnegie Trust
- Regarding the meeting places for Institutes – Whitekirk owned their hall, & other Institutes would have to find other meeting places when village halls closed.
- 1963 Stand at Highland – ladies worked so hard, donors of home baking & craft work ; prizes for Raffle & owners of exhibits.
- ‘A unanimous suggestion made that all Baking at future Shows be done in Electric Cookers in preference to Gas, because of exposure to the elements’.
- 1964 Rally Opening Ceremony – Friday, 8th May
- Membership – 1189 in 27 Institutes.
- AGM – 3/12/63
- 19 Institutes took part in the British Sugar Corporation Sweet Making Competition.
- Carnegie UK Trust agreed to finance a further 5 one-day Schools for Drawing & Painting in the Art Room of North Berwick High School.
- Rally in Town House – Friday 8th May – Institutes to notify by 31st March numbers of expected entries, & names of Stewards
- 1965 Rally schedule – Bulbs much the same as 1962 Schedule. Preserves – some changes Cooperative Competition – Buffet Supper on a Card Tray for 21st Birthday, or Child’s Birthday Tea Party.
- 2 members attended a one day school in Edinburgh for Scandinavian -style lunch.
- Resignation of Mrs Apedaile as Secretary/Treasurer since 1945 – 19.5 years in office.
- Mrs Deans offered to be Treasurer for one year.
- One Day School in Pastry-Making – great success.
- County Council Chairman appealed for supplies of cast-off clothing for WVS to send to distressed areas. A receiving centre for the clothes in East Linton.
- Queen visited SWRI Headquarters, 29th June 1964 where 2 paintings from East Lothian on display.
- 2 paintings & a collage on display at National Conference.
- British Railways ran an excursion to London which several members enjoyed.
- Membership – 1248 – an increase of 59 in 27 Institutes – Gullane topping with an increase of 17 & Gifford with 10.
- Federation voted against the appointment of a Welfare Secretary after a survey into the number of cases of lonely persons in East Lothian The number being so small & this & other comments by members, decided that there was no need for the appointment.
- 1964 Rally – 552 Entries – second part of Rally in Mar. 1965. Colstoun Cup gifted by Lady Broun Lindsay for embroidery. Peebles Federation who visited the Rally were so impressed with our method of assessment in the 21st Birthday Gift Competition that they asked for a copy of the Assessment Card.
- Death of Miss Blair – daughter of the Founder of SWRI
- Second Carnegie Trust Course in Drawing & Painting a great success – possibility of another Course next year.
- Mrs Brown – Chairman
- Mrs Urquhart now Secretary, whose Honorarium raised from £40 -£50.
- Mileage allowance @ 3d. per mile.
- Rally report – Community Ex – 9 entries. Mrs Apedaile donating Cup to Inst. of below 40 members for most points at Rally.
- One-day school on Colour & Design.
- British Rail excursion on ‘Maid of The Loch’.
- Mrs Telfer & Mrs Apedaile both elected Honorary Presidents of Fed. in recognition of their services.
- In report on Rally – noted that fewer bulbs entered – poor year for bulbs.
- 5 ladies from East Lothian each provided food at Heriot Row for 10 persons for a party of 40 SWRI members from a Mental Hospital in Angus – Sunnyside Montrose.
- Discussion with Dr Boyd of Herdmanflatt to form SWRI there.
- From a Questionnaire sent out, & answers received if the problem of getting people to take office was apparent, as awkward hours of Federation Meetings held & number of demands from other organisations.
- Coal Utilisation Council willing to talk to Institutes no matter how small.
- Mrs Brown reported on her visits to various Institutes in East Lothian during past months.
- To celebrate Golden Jubilee in ’67, East Lothian agreed to fund a Guide Dog for the Blind; Federation Celebration to take form of an Exhibition of Housewives & Handcrafts throughout the Ages.
- Village History Competition: at Federation level.
- Handcraft School at Carberry attended by Miss Ritchie to start work on 10 Council Chairs. It is hoped others from East Lothian will join in the project.
- Closer contact with Young Farmers encouraged.
- 4-day tour of Holland @ cost of £26.5/-, by air.
- Mrs Deans proposed that Institutes should be provided with Minutes of meetings.
- Membership – 1346
- School for Office Bearers held in County Buildings 19th Jan. First session – office bearers’ duties & Inst procedure; second session: Central Council & Practical Demonstration of Inst. Business Procedure. School taken by SWRI Chairman, Mrs Murray – 2 members from each Inst. to attend.
- First meeting of WRI Herdmanflatt.
- Grant from Carnegie Trust for painting – 17 members attending.
- Residential School at Carberry for music; drama; & literature.
- SWRI purchase a projector & screen.
- Village History Competition papers to be handed to Federation at June Meeting to be judged by East Lothian Antiquarian Society.
- Herdmanflatt WRI getting support from Institutes in East Lothian by attendance & demonstrations.
- Expansion Fund – Cockenzie, Kingston & Innerwick, who contribute to fund to chose a one -day school.
- Star cook & floral arranger to be featured in Scottish Home & Country – Mrs Ogilvie, Aberlady & Mrs Law, Dunbar.
- Chairman pointed out that several Institutes had not attended quarterly meetings, & a letter to be sent out – informing Institutes that members, other than President & Secretary could attend.
- From C C reports – Bed & Breakfast Schools a great success. Recommended that Institutes have photography nights, & Safety on the Farm.
- Whitekirk won the Village History Competiton. Highest % of entries to Comp came from East Lothian.
- Exhibition of H&H through the Ages – headings; 1 Cooking & the Kitchen; 2 Laundry; 3 Jewellery 4 Clothing; 5 Toys 6 Photographs 7 Lamps & ornaments 8 Bedding 9 Silverware & China. From Friday 5th May & Sat. 6th May
- Dimensions of the UGLY given in official Minute.
- Discussion from C C regarding the new BBC ‘Lift Up Your Hearts.
- Secretary intimated that she is moving out of district. Mrs Blaik appointed.
- Dunbar asked to put on a short play for Jubilee Entertainment at Town Hall on 19th Oct – ‘The Friars of Berwick’.
- Jubilee Curling Comp – Saltoun entering.
- Chairman in her report stated she had visited 17 Institutes in East Lothian.
- Chairman thanks Mrs Deans – Treasurer; & rest of Committee.
- Drama & Music Course @ Carberry.
- Short course in Lettering; Posterwork & Mime.
- Reduced Grant for Painting Class, so instructor willing to reduce his fee. Students to pay 10/- per head
- Martin Hall communion Table Runner: Mrs Stuart, Saltoun to assist in embroidery, along with Mrs Gray & Mrs Ogilvie.
- Mrs Brown in the Chair.
- Jubilee Year.
- National Finals of Village History Competition – Whitekirk amongst those Highly Commended.
- Guide Dog to cost £250 & Institutes asked to hold Open Nights to fund raise.
- Exhibition of Handcrafts & Baking etc – Stewards arranged; Guest list arranged.
- 10 Stewards from EL to Leith Town Hall for Drama in October. Royal Highland Show – HQ written requesting:- bet. 6 -9 pm both Wednesday & Thursday 21/22nd June – 7 Bakers; 2 Washers up; 2 Baking Sales; 2 Stewards; 2 Raffle & other sales + ‘spares.
- Painting Class held in March.
- Hdqtrs running one-Day Schools on Car Maintenance; safety on the Road & How to use our Camera; One day school also on Common Market.
- 14 Members went on a Clarkson Tour to Holland.
- Balance from Exhibition – £250.
- Arrangements for a Pre-Test School in H&H at Whitekirk.
- Herdmanflatt WRI – undergoing difficulty in arranging Office Bearers, so local WRIs are assisting them with arranging demonstrators & outings.
- East Lothian Youth Council – Mrs Maslowski, Gifford – WRI representative.
- Several entries of Village History Competition have been sent to Museum of Antiquities, where they will be copied & returned.
- All Federation Chairmen to be presented to HM Queen & Prince Philip at RHS for Golden Jubilee year; Federation Chairman – Mrs Brown – to Queen & The Duke Longniddry delegate – Mrs Porteous presented to Queen, Tranent – Mrs Ayton – to Duke of Edinburgh. At National Conference – Longniddry to present flowers to Queen Mother.
- Golden Jubilee Exhibition in Assembly Hall- Mrs Cockburn – Whitekirk to supply exhibit of 1lb. Apricot Jam.
- Complaint by Longniddry WRI to MP regarding proposed closure of railway stations from North Berwick; Drem; Longniddry & Prestonpans. Federation of the opinion that knitting of blanket squares was adequately covered by other voluntary organisations.
- Publicity features in Scottish Field; Scotland’s Magazine & the Scots Magazine.
- Past Chairmen of Federation made Honorary Presidents: Miss Burnett-Smith; Miss Clapperton & Mrs Dale.
- Institute Membership fee raised to between 3/- & 10/- at the discretion of each Institute..
- Members reminded that the Smear Test is available to all women of all ages.
- Gifford & Stenton Sheepdog Trial Soc. Donated £50 & £5 resp. to WRI Guide Dog Fund.
- East Lothian members attended 1-Day School on the Weekend Hostess.
- Packaged Programmes available to Institutes from HQ on 6 Arts subjects
- Golden Jubilee Exhibition of H&H Through the Ages – great success – held in Town House on 5th May Golden Jubilee Banner made by Miss Dawson & Mrs Ferguson.
- Civic Reception in Edinburgh – 4 representatives from East Lothian attended.
- At December Meeting it was decided to reduce the Fed. Levy from 10d. to 6d, as the funds were in good heart.
- H.Q. cancelled all one -day schools Tests etc. due to Foot & Mouth
- Mrs Brown in Chair
- Membership risen from 1344 last year to 1464 – addition of 120. Ormiston risen from 50 to 133 in 4/5/ yrs.
- Total of £550 raised for Guide Dog Jubilee Fund.
- Bulb Show – Nos. of entries appear down. Cooperative Entry – Best Gifts for a Family up to a value of £12. Agreed that having it outwith Haddington had been a benefit. Items shown: Bulbs, Bottled Fruit; Apple Jelly; Marmalade; Rasp. Jam, Mincemeat, Wine, Chutney, Turkish Delight, Peppermint Creams, Tablet, Unboiled sweets, Treacle toffee, Knitting, crochet, babies frocks,soft toys, Hats, cloth waistcoats, Work bags, lampshades, Underwear, Dress, Judges’ criticisms were recorded in Minute
- Decimal School held on 29th March in Town House.
- Silver Paper & Bottle tops to be collected.
- Institutes still entertaining Herdmanflatt.
- Bowling Comp. Aberlady; Gifford; Gullane; Haddington; Longniddry; Tranent; Stenton; West Barns all entered. Aberlady won.
- Painting Class – 30/- per head
- H&H Guild meeting in different venues to encourage members to attend – Cockenzie; Aberlady; Dunbar.
- Housewives Tests Cookery, Baking – 1 Honours; 5 First Class; 13 Second Class; 9 Third Class. Garden Produce; 1 First Class.
- Letter of protest to MP re; British Standard Time.
- Lady Broun Lindsay elected Hon. President of Federation.
- Experimental Mail Bus being run from Dunbar to Spott & Innerwick.
- Expansion Fund – East Lothian due for a school – choice of 10 to be decided upon.
- Herdmanflatt – no regular mtgs. Now officially closed.
- Federation Golden Jubilee Tablecloth – to be made in panels of 12″ X 15″ sketch of design, name & colours asked for.
- Competitions intimated: Drama, Playwriting, Speechmaking
- Drama Festival to be held March 1969 – Aberlady, Cockenzie, Dirleton, Dunbar, Gifford, Stenton, Tranent & Whitekirk have all entered.
- Guide Dog Fund still open & money coming in to it.. Hoping now to have a third dog, with all money raised
- Price of magazine raised form 9d to 1/-
- Chairman visited Garvald, Innerwick, Gifford, Bolton, Whitekirk, Haddigton, Athelstaneford & Longniddry Institutes.
- Mrs Brown in Chair
- Deep Freeze Demonstration – 16th September.
- Speechmaking Dunbar entered; Music & Drama Evening – Cockenzie, Dirleton, Dunbar, Gifford, Tranent & Whitekirk.
- Painting School – not enough entries.
- Evening Party in Caledonian Hotel, Edinburgh 18th May 1969- Cockenzie & Tranent Institutes both to represent East Lothian, price 8/6d each.
- Flowers at HQ in May – Mrs Law, Dunbar to attend.
- Leaflets on Fowl Pest distributed to members.
- Federation Dues – 2/6d per member.
- Mrs Dickson, Tranent made an Honorary president of Federation.
- Federation Chairman at meeting at HQ with Young Farmers in March.
- Fed. Jubilee Tablecloth – in sections & sewn on frame, designs to be completed by December Meeting.
- Arthur Negus – ‘Going for A Song’ @ Leith Lesser Town Hall 13th April – tickets 10/-
- Lothian Handcraft get-together, Scrivenor Hall, Morrison St. Edinburgh. – Demonstrations by: Aberlady – Mrs Ogilvie – Hairpin crochet & Papier Mache Trays; Cockenzie – Mrs Smith – Wool cushion & poufee made with 7 tins; Kingston – Miss Kilridge – Raffia Basket Making; Saltoun – Mrs Stuart – Patchwork; Whitekirk – Mrs Cockburn – Shadow Work
- Members asked to send recipes to University of Strathclyde.
- Dirleton winner for East Lothian in Britain in Bloom Competition.
- Dunbar & Aberlady Inst. both entered for Speechmaking Comp @ Federation level in March 1970.
- Teach-in in Solid Fuel Cooking at Marine Hotel – Oct.
- East Lothian in Semi-finals of Curling Competition @ Falkirk.
- Chairman reported that Minutes of 1/4 Meetings were sent to Inst. Secretaries in Duplicate – one to be handed round members.
- Resolution from Dunbar SWRI to Nat. Conference: ‘That a doctor should give regular talks on the transmission & destructiveness of the venereal diseases to all secondary school & further education college students’. Berwickshire asked to support this motion.
- Dunbar SWRI intimated that they had a speaker from SCDA on 21st January 1970, & invited all Institutes to attend.
- SWRI in Scotland undergoing financial pressures.
- Letter to St Andrews House reg. the state of public lavatories due to misuse & vandalism.
- A warning from C.C reg. Do-it-yourself Electric blankets
- Miss Riley – needlework advisor, holding classes in East Lothian on Dressmaking & Embroidery.
- Mrs Cockburn, East Linton in Chair
- Poor response to participating in Golf Competition.
- SCDA Meeting in Dunbar – only one member from other Inst. attended.
- Dunbar said they started the drama class to attract younger members.
- Pooling of Fares – monies raised by sale of raffle tickets.
- Village Histories – Institutes asked to place these in the safe-keeping of Antiquarian Library @ Haddington House.
- 300 Diaries for 1971 ordered
- Mrs W Dickson, Tranent to propose Vote of Thanks to Vice Chancellor of the Open University at the National Conference.
- Guide Dogs Fund still open; also Pennies for Friendship
- Rental cost of County Building hall increased, so charges of halls being investigated.
- Mrs Baxter, Tranent – Winner of Cordon Bleu Cookery Course at George Hotel, Edinburgh.
- Gift to past National Chairman – members asked not to give more than 6d per head.
- Handcraft Rally – 8th May in Haddington; 11 Institutes entered the Coop entry. Dunbar had 124 entries, with Kingston second with 98 – 694 Entries from 20 Institutes. All Inst. asked to donate items to Sales Table.
- Golden Jubilee Tablecloth – Panels on frames given to each Institute. Embroidery – Stem stitch; Satin, Chain & Backstitch & French Knots, using both cotton perle & stranded cotton. All lettering in gold in couch stitch over pearl grey. Finished panels to be returned at March 1971 Federation Meeting.
- Prestonkirk Federation Winners of Bowling; Gullane Fed winners of Golf.
- Money raised for HQ. – by raffle; fashion show; coffee evenings; & whist drives or 3d in a jar each week.
- Members asked if wishing to sit Handcraft Tests in 1971.
- A Demonstrator’s School held in Town House in November; Floral Art Demonstration in Dunbar in November.
- Rally & Bulb Show. – March Parish Hall, Dunbar
- Residential School @ Carberry – Upholstery & Advanced Lampshades; also Corn Dollies.
- Mrs J Brown, Gifford put forward as voting delegate at ACWW Triennial Conference in Oslo.
- Mrs Baxter, President Tranent to attend Civic Reception at National Conference.
- Mrs Apedaile, Aberlady gained 1st Class Cert. in Coloured Embroidery.
- Mrs Thomson, Longniddry – Fed. Winner of Bacon Competition.E L raised nearly £600 for HOS Fund. (Help Ourselves Fund)
- Aberlady ladies sewing Stool Tops for Holyrood House.
- Bus booked to take EL Members to H&H Conference in Perth.
- Aberlady unhappy with the changes made to the Federation Constitution.
- Central Councillors to be included in Executive Committee.
- Golden Jubilee – Brunton Hall voted for cost of catering per head – 75p. Date – Monday 26th June 1972.
- Grand Rally & Bulb Show – 10/11 March 1972 – Cooperative Entry of Baby’s Layette to cost no more than £12.50 inc. Layette Basket; Cot or Pram Cover; Floor Rug; Lamp; Picture or Wall Panel; Shawl; Soft Toy; Article of own choice
- Mrs Walker, Haddington elected Chairman at Dec. Mtg.
- Mrs Bessie Walker, Chairman
- 26 Instit. in EL.
- Bulb Show – Dunbar in March – Kingston took 1st place for individual entries,.
- Golden Jubilee Garden Party @ Tyninghame – 1972 – 6 – 6.30 Chairman & 3 Vice -Chair greet guests; 6.30 Chair’s Opening Remarks, & introduces Mrs McQueen who gave a short speech; 6 – 6.30 Music by El Orchestra; also from 8.30 – 9.00; 6.45 – 7.15 Tea Break; 7.15 – 7.45 – Cockenzie Folk Group; 8.0 – 8.15 Elocution; 6.00 – 9.00 Buffet.
- Numbers attending Evening Party in Brunton Hall – 26th June – over 392 Inst. members from EL. Completed Tablecloth to be on view, agreed that this should be in the keeping of each successive Fed. Chairman. Nat.Chairman in her speech congratulated Dunbar for having won the A.G Trophy 5 times. Institutes should play their part as an active Community Group, making service to the community their responsibility, & remaining adaptable to changing times.
- No entries from EL in Speech-Making Comp.
- SWRI & SAYFC – although suggestions had been made for more liaison between the two, this unfortunately had not happened.
- No entries from EL for Evelyn Baxter Scholarship.
- One-day school in Gold & Silver Embroidery
- Two Gifford golfers to play in National Competition at Loudon GC & came second.
- Storage of materials used at Rallies & Shows becoming a problem. As Whitekirk was the only Inst. to own its hall, they were approached. President of Dirleton offered her garage, & after suitable alterations this was taken up.
- Fed. Raffle & RHS Raffle fund-raising for forthcoming Show – agreed to have prizes made locally
- EL no longer taking part in The Anstruther-Gray Drama comp.
- 8 Members from Kingston joined with Inverness Fed for a visit to Somerset.
- Headquarters Programme Expansion Fund – apart from Fed contribution, only one Inst. has sent a donation – subjects offered: Value for Money – budgeting, Balanced Diet & Nourishing Dishes; Living with Electricity; How to be a Good Office Bearer; How to Use Your Camera; Improve Your Driving; & Lettering.
- Stools completed for gift to Queen & Prince Philip on their Silver Wedding & suitably inscribed.
- Draw to take place in March for Raffle for RHS. 24 Inst in EL donated gifts
- Mrs Walker in Chair – She & Secretary met up with Community Development Officer, who was on a fact-finding mission to see how closely the various local groups worked together, Mrs Walker gave him Aims & Objects of SWRI, & reasons why SWRI is not able to throw open any of its One-Day Schools, Demonstrations etc, to Townswomen’s Guilds, Play Groups & Rotary Clubs etc.
- Dunbar’s Proposal on the education of schoolchildren on subject of chastity & venereal diseases – motion turned down at National Conference, on grounds that a similar one had been dealt with at a previous conference.
- Proposed date of Handicrafts Rally – 10th /11th May 1974 – Harbour Pavilion North Berwick booked as venue
- RHS June 1973 – Theme of Display – The Four Seasons – EL share of the display – Spring – An Easter Cake & a Soft Toy; Summer – a Picnic Basket; Autumn – Knitted Cap & Scarf, & a Small Sack of Potatoes; Winter – Mince Pies & Black Bun. Members asked to make a soft toy for sale at RHS, to be brought to the June Fed. MTG.; also a small Black Bun – 1LB. Size for sale – to cost 50p. Names of all who would bake or otherwise assist at SWRI stand
- No entries for Britain in Bloom from EL, as no support from County Council. @ RHS given in Minute. Black Buns; Tablet, Soft Toys. Mrs J Pate, 56lb Shortbread Mixture divided between 6 Institutes in EL Humbie made the Easter Cake for display on SWRI @ RHS Stand
- No entries for Britain in Bloom from EL, as no support from County Council.
- Golf: 20 members competed for Competition at Fed. Level -2 Kingston players to play in Final at Gullane in September.
- Pamphlets on Cervical Smear Test & Breast Cancer Awareness circulated to Institutes.
- Stork Margarine Ginger Cake Competition: winner a member of Haddington WRI.
- Local Government Reform – Councils of Social Services being set up – Federations recommended to send members to their meetings.
- Overnight Hospitality to 30 WI Members from Somerset – Dirleton Community Hall hired for a lunch for the 30 ladies & their 20 hostesses in EL. A painting was gifted by one of the Somerset members to EL & it was agreed that it should be awarded at each Handicrafts Show for the most outstanding entry.
- Stools for Holyrood now in Portrait Gallery there.
- Death of Miss Burnett Smith, she had been a member of Gullane WRI for over 30 years. Her mother Annie S Swan was also a member of Gullane.
- EL putting in entry for design competition for SWRI Tea Towel
- At AGM in Dec. Miss Dawson Elected Chairman, with 3 Vice-Chairmen.
- Miss Dawson Chairman
- One-Day School – Gold & Silver.
- Mrs Maslowski elected to represent EL Fed at EL Council on Social & Leisure Education.
- EL had no entries for any of the Housewives Tests
- Handicrafts Exhibition – May 1974 – net profit of £165 – not a big raffle to off set costs.
- SWRI Stand – RHS, Ingliston, June 1973 – Total Balance of £927.05 – so chq. of £309 being EL Share.
- Election of Central Councillors – 1975-1978 – 6 Vacancies – 3 Councillors & 3 Proxies – Education; Publication; Executive/Finance Committees.
- Central Council Meeting – Members asked to bring to October Meeting, items which might be acceptable in Show Case @ HQ during the November Council Meeting. First Prize Exhibits from Fed. Show, esp. the wall panel by Mrs E Douglas.
- Correspondence: Courses for mature ladies contemplating a return to employment – secretarial & office training; computer-related & store-keeping/reprographic. Weekly payments during course – £11.
- National Farm Safety Week – local Safety Inspectors willing to visit Institutes & show film/slides.
- Proposed Closure of Roodlands Maternity Unit – West Barns Inst. asked Fed. To sound out other WRIs about feelings on subject. After discussion – evident a greater need for ante-natal clinics in county. Members asked to write to Scottish Home & Health Dept. setting out reasons for demanding ante-natal clinics.
- Residential School, Dunblane – Nov. 1974 to cover training for future SWRI leaders. – no response from EL
- Local Govt. Reform: new Lothian Region to cover EL, Mid & West Lothian.
- Golf: Gullane won at Fed. Level – to play in finals @ Banchory.
- Bowling: Pencaitland to play East Linton @Dunbar on 10th June.
- H&H – speaker form Erskine Hospital – appeals for unwanted books. Also wool or material to be handed into Old Knox School. SMMB Baking Comp – Mrs Harris, Stenton winner @ Fed. Level – to compete in finals @ Dunoon during H&H Conference in March 1975.
- 3 members attended the Evening Party @ Royal British Hotel, Princes on Weds. 20th November.
- One-Day School in Florentine Work to be held in October
- Proposed Teach-in @ HQ on Metrication – 6 members from Saltoun willing to attend. – 29 members from EL to attend.
- December Fed. Mtg poorly attended due to General Strike. Mrs J Dunnachie – new Secretary taking over from Miss Jaap.
- December mtg. @ Hdqtrs on Local Govt. Reform – EL sent Chairman & Sec.
- EL asked to supply refreshments – morning coffee & afternoon tea – at a Conference during the General Assembly on Confederation of European Agriculture – 12 Ladies from EL took part.
- Golden Jubilee Dinner @ Whitekirk WRI
- Handicrafts Exhibition held in Harbour Pavilion, North Berwick
- Music Room, Haddington House venue for Fed. Mtgs. for 1975.
- Invitation from Lothian Reg. Council to take part in a community Consultation on 6th March. Fed. Sec. attending on behalf of WRI.
- Mileage rate for official journeys increased to 4p per mile.
- Housewives Rally & Spring Bulb Show to be held in Town House,
- Poor response to Needlework Teacher’s Classes to be held Nov/Dec.. Unless more entered, the classes would be cancelled.
- Golf: Gullane finalists at Fed. Level – to play in Nat. finals @ Dunblane.
- Haddington WRI agreed to give ‘stars’ in place of money prizes.
- Poor turnout for Teach-in on Metrication, & Metrications Board expressed displeasure.
- H.O.S Fund – still 1or 2 Inst. in EL had not made their payments.
- Farm Field Name Survey. Maps & full instructions made to Macmerry WRI, but Saltoun & Gifford not received theirs from Hdqtrs.
- Mr Collingwood, Smeaton Gardens to judge the Spring Bulb Section in 1976.
- Golf: Mrs Meiklejohn & Mrs Wishart – Gullane won Nat. Finals
- Central Council Evening Party, Grosvenor Hotel – 2 members from Cockenzie & 1 from Tranent attended.
- Mrs Deans stood down after 11 years as Federation Secretary.
- Trinity Church Hall, Haddington booked for March, June, Oct. & Dec. Fed/ Mtgs
- BBC Programme – ‘Matter of Opinion’ to take place in Assembly Hall, Dunbar Grammar School – Tues. 24th February ’76. As BBC guests of EL Fed., tickets to be sent to Institutes.
- Needlework Teacher’s Class – much appreciated, but several members failed to attend, thus preventing others participating. Recommended at recent Central Council Meeting that a substantial Booking Fee should be charged, returnable to those attending all the classes.
- Whitekirk WRI – Meeting of Fed. Chair. & Fed. Sec. with Office-bearers on future of Inst. Since the Mtg, an increase to 14 members recorded.
- Miss Fraser, Dunbar attended a 4-day School in Gold & Silver Embroidery at Dunblane.
- Haddington WRI brought up question of expenses incurred by members attending Guild Mtgs., & perhaps better for some Insts to band together & have mtgs of their own. Institutes to discuss & come back to Guild with findings. Mrs Douglas pointed out that expenses incurred by delegates attending Fed. Mtgs should be paid by their Institutes. Recommendation from Exec./Finance Sub-Committee – Each Institute should endeavour to introduce 6 new members with special emphasis on younger members.
- Presentation being made to Mrs Deans in recognition of her eleven years as Federation Treasurer.
- EL Fed. Requested by Hdqtrs to provide Buffet Lunch for 25members of a German Exchange Group.
- Still 4 Federation Meetings being held – March; June; October & AGM – December. Venue for mtgs still uncertain, but being held in Trinity Church Hall.
- Housewives Rally & Bulb Show.
- Miss Hepburn, School Meals Service to give an Evening School in Humbie Hall on Thursday, 20th May.
- Radio Programme ‘Matter of Opinion’ organised by Fed. Much enjoyed by Members., several members taking part in broadcast.
- 3 Members attended the Evening Party held in Grosvenor Centre Hotel on 12th May.
- Attention brought to Members of Britain in Bloom Competition.
- Housewives Guild – 1-Day School on ’10 Ways with Mince’. Baking Tests arranged to be held
- Guild Outing to N Lockhart Ltd. Kirkcaldy in April.
- Fed rep., Mrs Walker, gave a report of meeting of Steering Committee of EL Council of Social Service. Renamed The East Lothian Council for Voluntary Action.
- From profit from Bulb Show in March it was agreed that donations should be made to Guide Dogs for the Blind; cancer Research; Allgrade School at Humbie.
- Coffee Evening at Trinity Church Hall in September, display of Members’ Work from recent Needlework Classes. Poorly attended
- Golf – At local level – Longniddry winners.
- Bowling – Prestonkirk – winners.
- Talk on Cancer Relief at Oct. Fed. Mtg.
- Taste of Sweetness Competition – Mrs Reid – Saltoun winner at Fed level – to go on to national Finals.
- RH Show Stand – discussed at National level – cost of permanent stand – £21,000 – considered too expensive with upkeep, vandalism etc. As all federations had to make a profit, it was considered best to carry on as before. Also considered was fall in membership figures – depopulation, lack of transport, rising costs & closing of village schools, movement of population from rural areas to oil & oil related industries. Also brought into account was the break down in communication both within the organisation & outside. The Committee (Executive & Finance) is of the opinion that SWRI needs to make a more positive approach, to project itself more effectively & make known the service SWRI gives to the community, & the variety of activities it has to offer. An approach to young people to join SWRI. Personal contact & friendliness should be the keynote whatever the age. They also feel sure that the SWRI image could be improved by special attention to the following: 1) Training of Institute Office-Bearers by Schools & Talk-ins. 2) Change of Institute Office Bearers at regular intervals. 3) Improvement of Business Procedure. 4) Introduction of more variety in Syllabus. 5) Assessment of expenditure in the Institute – costing for halls – payment of speakers & demonstrations. 6) Dispensing with some of the formality. 7) Integration of young & older members. 8) A new look for Shows, with sections more attractive to younger members. 9) Closer co-operation with Young Framers & Youth Groups.
- Charges for Town & Village Halls – EL District Council conceded to Fed. Request & Institutes are now listed under Category 1, & will be charged at one half of the normal rate.
- At Oct Mtg. intimated that Mrs Law – Press Secretary wished to retire after 19 years. Miss Dawson pointed out that she had completed 3 years as Chairman. Mrs Walker & Mrs Paterson both have completed 3 yrs. as Vice.
- Guide Dogs – £456 collected, & suggested a fund-raising concert be held in Haddington in March. 1977.
- 3 Members attended a 4-day school at Dunblane on Practical Cookery & Cake Icing.
- Suggestion that Fed. Should pay for one Member per year to attend a residential school
- At December Mtg. Mrs Paterson, Dirleton, elected Chairman; Messrs. Halliday; Deans; Baxter as Vice. Miss MacLeod Kingston as Press Sec.
- Handicraft Tests to be held in Spring; Dressmaking classes in March
- Cheque to value of £500 handed to Scottish Organiser of Guide Dogs, with request that the first dog be called ‘Elf II’.
- Programme Expansion Fund: School for pastry- making in Haddington in October.
- Exhibition of Handicrafts to be in Harbour Pavilion, North Berwick in May 1978.
- One member attended a Choral Verse-speaking one-day school in February.
- Golf: Longniddry winning team at Fed. Level. Finals at Brora Course, Sutherland.
- 7 Members entered for Handicrafts Tests at Blackadder Church Hall, in May.
- Demonstration of Yeast Cookery at North Berwick.
- Knitting Competition – 2 winners at Fed level – Mrs Thirlwall, Longniddry – 2nd in Metal Threadwork & Mrs Little, Haddington VHC in the Knit-a-winner Competition.
- Competition sponsored by Robert Krups (GB) Ltd. Mrs Pate, Humbie one of 6 Area Finalists – going forward to National Finals. At December mtg. it was announced that Mrs Pate was overall winner of Competition.
- Proposed School of Confectionery in Haddington in Oct. 1978.
- No response to call for 3 names to attend Evening Party in Grosvenor Hotel in October.
- Proposed 2-day school in painting by H&H Guild & Needlework Teacher’s Classes by Evelyn Baxter Scholar.
- Letter of resignation from Mrs Paterson, Dirleton as Chairman. Mrs Baxter of Tranent to take her place. 3 new Vice & new Secretary. Mrs Deans back on as Treasurer
- Secretary’s Honorarium raised to £100. Treasurer’s Honorarium to £30 p.a.
- 3 members willing to demonstrate crafts – Metal Thread; & Glovemaking;
- Fed. Willing to pay for 1 member per year to attend residential school, provided they are willing to demonstrate the craft
- 8 ladies judged at West Lothian Fed. Show; 10 judged at Dalkeith.
- Handicrafts Tests – 3 Honours; 3 – 1st Class; & 5 – 2nd Class
- Members of Executive Committee attended various public meetings; inc. Lothian Garden Festival; Convention of Scottish Women; Lothian Regional Structure Plan.
- 4 Exec. Com. Mtgs held during year.
- Mrs Baxter in Chair at Town House.
- Guide Dog Fund now closed.
- Rally trophy winners; Garvald – 2; Kingston – 1; Longniddry – 3: Decided that 8.00pm was too late to close show. Donation from Show proceeds of £10 to Herdmanflatt.
- Bowling: the West Barns team won the Nat. Bowling Comp Finals at Eyemouth in September
- National Conference – 1979 – Resolution from EL, seconded by ‘Could the Ambulance Service be made more available to outlying areas in cases of general need’.
- No interest within Fed. regarding choirs
- Membership to be raised to 30p per member, out of which 25p goes to HQ
- No secretary yet obtained.
- Mrs Baxter in the Chair; Mrs Mackay – Secretary; Mrs Deans – Treasurer. Mrs McVicar to take over as Fed. Sec.
- Fed. Dues: now 30p.
- 3 ladies from Morham to attend Evening Party in The Grosvenor Hotel in May
- Members reminded to make items for Sales Table at National Conference in October.
- List of those qualified to judge & others willing to help out updated.
- All Institutes with Golden or Diamond Jubilees to report to Hdqtrs.
- Trophy Insurance: Institutes invited to have trophies covered under Fed. Insurance.
- Grand Prize Draw of previous year raised £459
- Institute Secretaries asked to ensure that Members were given information regarding ongoing activities within SWRI as soon as possible, as there would in some cases be a breakdown in communication.
- There has been pressure from EL Fed. to Environmental Health Dept. regarding Bottle Banks in EL Fed. Sec. asked to contact local Round Table for support.
- Golf: Gullane to go forward to Nat. finals at Brodick.
- At Nat. Conference – amendment on Election of Office Bearers: ‘No Office Bearer shall hold the same office in Central Council for more than 3 consecutive years, other than Hon. Treasurer, who may be elected for a further 3 yr. Term’
- Central Council Levy – falling due on 1st November to be raised by 2p per member, this is included in 25p levy to HQ
- Humbie celebrated Diamond Jubilee.
- Baking Competition: Cheesecake – Mrs Dodds, Saltoun; Fruit Cake – Mrs Carlaw, Haddington.
- Portrayal of Violence on TV – Agreed that every Institute should prepare a statement stating its case against violence on TV. To be sent to Fed. Sec, who will forward results to BBC.
- ALCO CASH A CAN – project dealing with recycling of Aluminium cans willing to come to speak to Institutes.
- EL not participating in Choirs Competition.
- Mrs Dewar H/H Convenor, will enquire of Central Council if Guild fee per member can be raised from its present rate of 10p to a sum to cover expenses. Federation to make funds available for this year.
- Garvald received an award for Britain in Bloom Competition.
- Mrs Baxter in Chair at March meeting in Town House
- Dr Barnardo’s Fete in Charlotte Sq. Gardens in June – Members asked to contribute cake & candy for stall as well as non-perishable goods.
- H/H Bulb Show – entry totals as follows: Spring Bulbs – 41; Floral Art – 53; Floral Art – 94; Preserves – 109; Cookery – 49; Baking 168; Sweets – 60; Total 386 Entries for Cooperative Comp. were down . Profit from Show – £147.83p
- Golf to be played over N.B. Burgh Golf Course on 9th June.
- New Central Councillors to be elected.
- Evening Party in Roxburgh Hotel on 29th May to cost £1 for coffee & biscuits.
- 6 Judges from East Lothian Federation for Peebles Agricultural Show. & 8 Judges for Dalkeith Show
- Local Health Council – vacancy for member asked for.
- Appointment of Federation Secretary – Mrs Armatage.
- Miss M McMillan, Area Health Education Officer willing to speak to Institutes on Education of Young in the Management of Alcohol.
- Scottish Home & Country Magazine up in price to 20p.
- Federation dues up to 35p.
- One Day School on Yeast Cookery in Town House in October – cost to members – 50p.
- SWRI Diaries to cost 80p the following year
- Speakers from ROSPA willing to speak to Institutes reg. Accidents in The Home.
- Garvald again Highly recommended in the Britain in Bloom Comp.
- Death of Mrs Dale, Auldhame recorded. She started Kingston 27 years previously, she was a past Fed. Chairman & a Central Councillor. Represented WRI for British Standards & travelled widely for SWRI.
- Mrs Baxter in Chair. Secretary – Mrs Armatage
- For the Year of Disabled People Athelstaneford raised £425 with a Knit-in & Coffee Morning, the bulk of the money being used to alter the home of a disabled member. The local Joiner, Mr McGuinness, gave his labour free of charge. Other Institutes taking part were
- Kingston – £45; plus a Shop in North Berwick for 3 days, raising £500 to go to the sitting room in East Fortune Hospital
- Macmerry – £25 to East Fortune Hospital & 2 Zimmers to Roodlands
- Saltoun – £140 to Kings Knoll Home in North Berwick
- Stenton £104 for Arthritis Research, & invited some of patients & staff of Belhaven Hospital & members of Can-Can Club to their 30th Birthday Party
- Cockenzie; £140 from their Knit-in to Rheumatism & Arthritis Council. Had a speaker from the Council. Gifford – £100 to the Can-Can Club
- Haddington – £50 to East Fortune & £65 to Rheumatism & Arthritis Council
- Longniddry – a Fair in town with others to raise money for East Fortune Hospital; overall raised £1866
- Gullane – £73 party & raffle to raise money for East Fortune
- Morham – £126 for Arthritis Research
- Dirleton – £20 for Arthritis Research
- Prestonkirk – £91 – Knit-in for Rheumatism & Arthritis Research
- Humbie – £10 to Simon Square Centre & £10 to Arthritis Research
- Bolton – £34 to Donaldson’s Hospital
- Dunbar – £100 to Action for Disabled & 6 Crochet Rugs to Belhaven Hospital
- 5 Judges to attend Currie Horticultural Show; Cockenzie to hold a Knit-in in aid of arthritis research.
- Institutes each asked to contribute £2 towards a Raffle to be drawn at handicrafts Exhibition in 1982.
- Fed. Dues now 35p each giving monies raised to various charities.
- Golf – to be played at local level over Gifford – won by Mrs Baxter, Gifford. To play in finals in Dumfries
- Bowling: Only 4 entries at beginning of year at Federation level.
- £2 sent as Raffle prize to Anstruther Gray Drama Competition.
- Housewives Tests – Mrs Dewar alerted members to Tests being held in August & September in Floral Art & Dairy Products.
- Craft Advisor’s Classes in Quilting, Lampshades, Macrami, Counted Thread, canvas working September & October.
- Neville Garden to speak to H&H on 21st April.
- East Lothian Council for Voluntary Services ask for a representative to discuss the formation of an amenity & environment committee for the county. Mrs Robinson, Rownas, Garvald, agreed to go along to express the Federation’s disapproval of such a committee.
- Garden Party at Tynninghame for Scotland’s Gardens – 25th July – 500 guests expected, Members to bake & serve teas
- Athelstaneford chosen by draw to take part in a Survey by Consumers in the European Group.
- Exhibition of Handicrafts to be held in Town House on 14th/15th May 1982.
- 4 Federation Meetings per year still being held.
- Garvald again best village in East Lothian in Britain in Bloom Competition
- World Food Day – 16th October; Old Peoples Week – 4th -10th October
- Royal Wedding Gift from SWRI to Prince Charles – Paper Weight with Coat of Arms & Afternoon Teacloth in drawn fabric with 12 napkins & tea cosy on view at HQ.
- AGM – Mrs Baxter in Chair – 43 members attended.
- The death of Mrs Keiller of Kingston WRI was recorded. A Coffee Morning to be held to raise funds for St Columba’s Hospice in her memory.
- Stenton WRI winners of 1981 Warnock Trophy for their magazine with multi-coloured cover.
- Town House – 2nd March
- Resolution for National Conference – Members deplore that the contraceptive pill is being supplied to girls under the age of 16 years of age without their parents’ knowledge proposed by E.L. seconded by Perth & Kinross Federation. Mrs Walker spoke on behalf of the Federation & gave a very convincing & knowledgeable argument. The motion was passed by a large margin
- Painting Competition – from HQ – subject – Peace. ACWW competitions; Greetings Card; Needlework Picture; an essay on ‘My Day’; Lena Meiklejohn Competition – Sleeveless Jacket in wool – embroidered; Blackwood Trophy for embroidery – Needlebook or spectacle case in canvas work; Vaughan Nash Community Comp. – ‘A Happy Event’ – 6 articles
- Housewives Competition to be judged at June meeting – Wheatsheaf loaf & Autumn Arrangement from the Hedgerows.
- Golf – to be played over Gullane No.3 Course at a cost of £1.50
- Calendar to cost – £1.15p.
- HQ offers Study of Holland
- Sports Council willing to give tuition on swimming; curling; darts; bowling badminton & snooker.
- Scottish Genealogy Soc. Project as for help with the project to record pre-1855 gravestones.
- Rally – 14th & 15th May – Selkirk judging – Cooperative entry: 12 entries from Federation
- Housewives Tests – Tuesday 27th April – Baking: Mrs Meikle & Miss M Smith – Honours; Preserving – Mrs Thomson & Miss J Smith – Honours Cold Meal – Mrs A Lamont & Mrs Hamilton – Honours.
- Wheatsheaf loaf Comp; Mrs Pate, Humbie who will go forward to next round of competition.
- Scottish Office, New St Andrews house ask for women willing to serve on a wide range of public bodies. To be under 50 years of age – No names from East Lothian put forward.
- SWRI Exhibition, Assembly Rooms, George Street, Edinburgh – 28th – 30th September. Garvald entered The Happy Event, Community Competition, gaining 57 points. Mrs Monro, Kingston entered a waistcoat; Mrs Pate, Humbie – her Wheatsheaf Loaf, & Mrs Dewar her Covered Boxes.
- Scottish Craft Centre offering demonstrations on a variety of crafts.
- Housewives School – Elmwood, Cupar & handcrafts Residential School – at Churches’ House, Dunblane.
- Central Council Levy – 40p per member
- Athelstaneford received commendation in Britain in Bloom; 80 entries from Scottish villages.
- Central Council Levy – proposed by HQ to be increased in 1983 to 45p. Proposed at December AGM to increase Federation fee to 75p to cover this increase.
- Mrs Taylor, Stenton voted as new Vice-Chairman.
- Royal Highland Show – 1983 – Orkney, Mid & East Lothian. – Treasurer Mrs Armatage. East Lothian Fedration to give £100 to cover expenses. Raffle with portable TV as main prize. EL to give a teaset plus 4 smaller ones. To cover these costs each Institute to give £1 per member -raising by coffee morning or evening. 6 Stewards required each day
- Housewives Residential School for 1983 – Elmwood, Cupar – 28th March – 1st April – £70; Handcraft Residential School – 4th – 8th July at Scottish Churches House, Dunblane on Bobbin lace; Design in Embroidery; & Glovemaking.
- There has been much discussion over the past months regarding the proposed purchase of 26 new tablecloths. It has at length been decided to purchase blue Poly Cotton & cut to 45″ x 45″& hem the material. Mrs Duncan offered to launder them & keep them with other Federation equipment.
- Central Council levy – increased from 35p – 40p. I t was agreed that Institutes should now pay a levy of 75p to Federation
- East Lothian fund-raising for Highland Show. Institutes asked for views of subscribing £1 per member to fund their share of marquee. After much discussion, decided to re-assess after Show itself. Raffle Tickets sold, & members asked to make goods for Sales Table. Stewards organised to man marquee over the 4 days of Show. Sales Table – jam, knitted babywear; sewn garments; Crochet; bookmarks; wall plaque; doll’s carry-cot. It was hoped that those who had anything to give for Sales Table during the week of the Show would deliver it themselves, or hand it to someone who was going. EL Fed. Accounts – Highland Show Contributions £675. Money to be returned to Institutes who had contributed, & the 4 Institutes who had paid towards buying table cloths should have their money returned also.
- Federation Dues – 1983/4 – 75p per member. Affiliation Fee – 12.5p
- Competition for Conference – East Lothian compete at local level for a Vegetable Raised Pie to be judged at June Fed. Mtg. Mrs Jones of Kingston to go on to compete at St. Andrews in September.
- Housewives Rally & Spring Bulb Show to be held 9th & 10th March 1984.
- Resolution at H&H Conference that ‘SWRI should adopt the rules of NAFAS for Floral Art was defeated.
- Decision to hold all future Federation Meetings in Corn Exchange.
- Central Council Levy – 80p per member.
- Number attending first Fed. Mtg. – 39 – just prior to Bulb Show in March.
- Executive Committee recommended that Fed. Dues be raised to £1 – 80p to HQ & 20p to Fed., i.e. £1 per Member & as 1/2p are to be phased out raising the Affiliation Fee to 15p per Institute.
- Haddington WRI contributed £70 towards the ‘Clean Water for All’ scheme with a Coffee Morning & Sales Table
- Mrs Walker & Mrs Stenhouse, Morham both contributed to ‘Scottish Home & Country’ Magazine.
- 6 Institutes to compete in EL Bowling Comp.
- EL host National Golf Comp. over Glen Golf Course, North Berwick in September.
- A profit of £647 was made at H&H Rally & Bulb Show. Donations were sent to Girl Guides, Boy Scouts & league of Friends of Herdmanflatt Hospital.
- Federation Cloth can be borrowed free of charge.
- Federation to purchase a bale of dark blue cloth to cover trestle tables for rallies. Kingston to join with North Berwick.
- 7 East Lothian Members attend a Public Speaking Course at Galashiels in November.
- Mrs Sembay, Prestonkirk congratulated on gaining a Highly Commended at RHS of hand made lace. Rural Cup at Dunbar Flower Show won by Mrs Bisset for an Aran Jumper.
- National Conference Exhibition – Floral Art; Meat Pate; Canvas work Sampler; Sampler in X-stitch to commemorate a Family occasion; a Fabric Box; Lady’s Short Sleeved Jumper. Community Competition – ‘A Gift Shop, consisting of Crochet, Counted Thread, Patchwork, Smocking, & own choice’
- Federation Chairman offers to visit any Institute in East Lothian who would like to know more about SWRI
- Mrs I Moat, Longniddry overall winner of the 1984 Painting Competition & winner of the oil painting class.
- Mrs Scott, Prestonkirk voted on as Vice-Chairman.
- Those present at December meeting voted to scrap the duplicating machine at present in use & purchase a second-hand photocopier.
- Film Show & Coffee Evening in March to raise funds for International Committee, which is not grant-aided. At this Evening there was a photograph competition.
- First Meeting of year – 5th March – 35 attended – at which any Institute member can attend, but only one person per Institute can vote.
- A report to go to HQ listing the charges of halls in which meetings are held.
- New photocopier purchased for £402 inc. servicing. To be used by rural members at a cost of 5p per sheet.
- Federation dues raised to £1.50 per member. Affiliation Dues – 15p per Institute
- East Lothian to do floral display at HQ during the May Central Council Meetings. Federation will pay for flowers to a Maximum of £20 – £ 25- arrangements to be done by Messrs Armatage, Howden & Taylor.
- Mrs B Walker, Haddington, had a poem published in Jan. copy of the Magazine for which she won first prize.
- All Institutes received information from HQ regarding Drama Competition; National Conference; special BUPA rates; & Beautiful Britain in Bloom
- Federation level of Competition to be judged in June is for Meat Pate – (offal allowed) for National Conference Competition. Stenton WRI made a clean sweep with first, second & third winners
- H&H holding 2 demonstrations in March – Meat & Livestock Commission & one on Starters & Desserts.
- SWRI commemorates its 70th Anniversary in 1987, for which there will be a commemorative wall-hanging, being sewn by sub-committee of Handicrafts of Central Council. Mrs Dewar to keep East Lothian informed.
- 4 new Trophies gifted to Federation: 2 SALVERS – gifted by Mrs Taylor – one for winning pair in Golf & one for Bowling Comp. There are 2 new Classes in 1986 Rally – 1- most points in Floral Art – Duncan Cup holding it for 2 years. 2 – H&H Guild , with money raised at Musselburgh in 1984 – a Gavel awarded to the Institute for a ‘Pairs Competition’.
- Syllabus for 1986 Rally to be distributed at June meeting.
- Scottish Pride Cookery Competition – each Institute to compete for a Cauliflower & Mushroom Cheesecake, winners going on to Federation level in September
- June Meeting – 27 attended. Noted that at the Coffee Evening & Film Show in March £115 was sent to HQ for International Committee.
- Mrs Lamb – West Barns received Dunbar Rotary Club’s Community Service Award for more than 40 years service to community.
- SWRI 70th Anniversary have received a donation of £1000 for making of the panel – 70″ X 90″. Each Federation to embroider its own emblem & these then appliqued to main panel. Mrs Dewar to organise sewers.
- 5 teams entered East Lothian Bowling Comp – Ormiston won The William Simpson Salver.
- Gifford & Gullane competed for Arthur Taylor Salver at Gifford, with Gullane going forward to play at Ayr Bellisle in September.
- Innerwick WRI closed in April
- Mrs Drysdale, Morham suggested that Fed. could hire Corn Exchange & all Institutes take a table & sell their wares to raise funds for own Institute, perhaps November or December 1986. To be discussed.
- 1986 H&H Rally – £2 asked from each Institute to organise a Prize Draw.
- SOme numbers:
- 1985 – Number of Institutes – 25 Number of Members – 820
- 1984 – Number of Institutes – 26 Number of Members – 918
- Largest – Gullane – 82
- Smallest Bolton – 9 & Whitekirk – 9
- Average – 33
- Mrs R Dewar one of teachers at the Residential School in Galashiels in embroidery.
- Mrs Taylor, Fed Chairman visited Institutes to explain distribution of finances by Central Council, explaining the rises in levy & Rural in general
- Some Institutes hold Craft Afternoons on a weekly or fortnightly basis
- Mrs Armatage represented SWRI on East Lothian District Health Council.
- Some members also involved with Community Council work, Guides, Boys Brigade, Red Cross & the Church.
- December Meeting. – 30 attended – Financial Statement as usual read for year ending September.
- Mrs A Duncan in her Report of C.C Housewives Committee reported that no members from East Lothian had entered for Housewives Tests – W. Lothian had 40/50 members, Midlothian had over 25, & Berwickshire had 20 entering. A suggestion was made for pre-test schools.
- Some numbers:
- Number of Institutes: 25 Number of Members: 777 – down 43 from previous year
- Largest Institute – Gullane – 77
- Smallest – both Bolton & Whitekirk with 9
- Average no. per Institute: 31
- Final arrangements for handcrafts Rally in May were made – a ‘pairs’ Competition & one for Floral Art being 2 new classes in Rally. An increase of 30% in numbers competing. West Lothian Judged the Show.
- Winter Fair in November to help smaller institutes with their finances. Federation met cost of hire of hall.
- During year Longniddry & Haddington Institutes held craft classes.
- Mrs Ballantyne Dunbar WRI embroidered the East Lothian placemat as part of the Rural Gift to Duke & Duchess of York. Mrs Ballanyne has embroidered a previous Royal Wedding Gift, as had her mother.
- 4 delegates attended H&H Conference at Inverness.
- Members involved with Meals-on-Wheels, Hospital Visiting, Church Guilds, Sunday Schools & other organisations.
- Plans being made for a Fashion Show & Coffee Evening to celebrate SWRI 70th Anniversary in 1987.
- Dunbar WRI to enquire if a flower bed could be planted in Dunbar to commemorate the Anniversary. Dunbar’s request turned down. The only flower bed to commemorate the Anniversary will be in Cockenzie.
- A Photographic Scrapbook to be compiled to allow Members to see the logos which have been embroidered by all the Federations, along with an explanation as to why the logos were chosen.
- Longniddry celebrating 70th Birthday in June 1987
- BBC asked WRI members if they could chaperone children taking part in the opening Ceremony of Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh.
- Golf – at Federation level to be played over Gullane No.3.
- Bowling – Ormiston to represent East Lothian in National Competition.
- H&H Tests organised:- Flower Arranging; Garden Produce; Dairy Produce;
- Handicrafts. Competition for H&H AGM on May 20th is for a Matinee Jacket in 3-ply yarn.
- Federation Dues: Heated discussion; certain that £1.50 to go to HQ. Many felt the money due should be paid to Treasurer at October Fed. Mtg., not June, as the money goes to HQ in November. Subscription to be £1.80 per member.
- Meeting arranged with one representative per Institute involved in the Winter market/fair. Athelstaneford; Bolton; Dirleton; Dunbar; Garvald; Haddington;Longniddry; Stenton; Humbie; Kingston; Macmerry; Morham; Prestonkirk; Saltoun; Tranent; West Barns;
- At December Mtg. Morham was congratulated for suggesting the Winter Fair at which £1400 was raised.
- Report from Emily Armatage on Lothian Health Council.
- Haddington hold Open Mtg. for Scottish Fish Industry Authority.
- Federation write their dismay to E.L. Co-op Society on the withdrawal of grocery vans for area. Reply from Coop was that economics had forced the issue.
- Mrs R Dewar, Longniddry gained her Demonstrator’s Badge with Honours.
- East Lothian Federation Chairman, Mrs Taylor attended a Chairman’s Meeting at HQ. On agenda was SWRI 70th Anniversary.
- Macmerry WRI ask Federation to complain to Health Board on the closure of the Chiropody Clinic in the village.
- Rally – Better advertising & a banner to advertise the Rally, but numbers of those attending was down on 2 years previously. Entries up by 100 on previous Show. Shield Competition- the 9 Institutes who had not entered for the competition were asked to submit entries, to give a unique collection of designs.
- Scottish Home & Health Dept. ask SWRI to publicise Breast Screening.
- Kingston/N.Berwick won the Challenge Cup at Dunbar Flower Show.
- Mrs Sembay, Prestonkirk again amongst prize winners at RHS.
- At December Mtg. Mrs E Armatage was elected Chairman on the retiral of Mrs Taylor. Mrs Betty Hay as Secretary & Mrs A Duncan as Treasurer.
- Membership numbers within Federation for:
- 1985 – 820 Average No. per Inst. – 33
- 1986 – 777 Average No. per Inst. – 31
- 1985 – Largest – Gullane 82 Smallest – Bolton & Whitekirk – 9
- 1986 – Largest – Gullane 77 Smallest – Bolton & Whitekirk – 9
- Press Secretary at a meeting at HQ – asking for information reg. Institutes who started between 1917 -18 – in EL – Longniddry; Tranent; Ormiston & Macmerry. Macmerry reported to have had 60 members at their first Mtg.
- March Mtg – 33 attended.
- Golf Competition – EL section to be played on 27th April. Longniddry players won Arthur Taylor Trophy & to play in finals at Portpatrick.
- Bowling: 4 teams entered – Tranent won William Simpson Salver.
- Stewards called for to cover exhibition 18th-20th May in Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh for 70th Anniversary Celebrations.
- The EL celebration of their 70th Anniversary in the form of a Fashion Show & Coffee Evening on 22nd October in Corn Exchange. Institutes asked to provide baking & raffle prize
- Federation’s nomination for National Chairman – Mrs M Mackie, Roxburghshire; Vice – Mrs A Graham, W. Lothian.
- Diary – £1.10p.
- H&H – Demonstration of Hairpin Crochet. Eight items of 4 modern crafts & 4 older crafts chosen to go forward to 70th Anniversary Exhibition.
- 2 members take part in Handicrafts Tests on 16th March.
- Federation Fees – £1.80 per member, of which £1.65 goes to HQ & the further 15p to Fed. funds. 15p per Institute Affiliation Fees.
- Donation sent to Guide Dogs for the Blind.
- Institute News: Longniddry – holding their 70th Birthday Celebrations & having a Craft Exhibition on 6th June. Gifford – Open Night – Cooking with Fish. Haddington – Open Night – Microwave Cooking.
- June Mtg. – 40 attended.
- Bolton Institute to close after 60 years.
- Intimated that the competition for the Conference Exhibition the following year to be for a ‘Clootie Dumpling’. To be competed first at Fed. level. Also Jif were putting up a competition on the same lines for Strawberry Jam using Jif Lemon to be judged at Central Council Mtg. in November – EL winner – Mrs Clark, Humbie.
- Longniddry held 70th Birthday Celebration in Gosford House in June. September – Macmerry held theirs in The Miner’s Institute.
- October Meeting – Kingston & N. Berwick propose that a resolution be sent to National Conference in September 1988 -‘That Rural Hospitals be retained with their essential facilities at an acceptably high standard, after consultation with the communities involved’….
- Syllabus out for National Competitions for following year: Whitecross Trophy – Knitted Scarf in 2-ply; Lena Meiklejohn – Telephone Directory Cover, Blackwood Trophy – Child’s Rag Book of 4 pages. Vaughan Nash Community Comp; ‘Bon Voyage’ consisting of Toilet Bag; Beach Cover-up; Embroidered Jewellery Roll; Knitted Summer Top; Bookmark -Article of Choice.
- 2-Day Canework School 24th & 31st October Fee- £2 + material. Baking Demonstration in November.
- Craft Advisor’s Classes to be held in March ’88 on Canvas Work; Black Work; Durham Quilting.
- Weekend School held in Haymarket from Fri. 11th March – Sun. 13th – subjects – Gold work & Canvas Work. Residential School in Dumfries 4/8th July ’88 – Ayrshire embroidery; Bobbin Lace; Victorian Rag Dolls; – £86.
- Suggestion from Humbie WRI that a new Community Class or the Pairs Competition be only open to small Institutes.
- October Fashion Show – profit £88.49 Money to purchase a trophy to be known as 70th Anniversary Trophy for an Annual December Competition.
- December Meeting. – 36 attended.
- Decided to raise Federation Dues in ’88 to £2, as Levy from HQ raised to £1.80 per member.
- Bolton Institute officially closed with all books & monies with Federation.
- At Handicrafts Committee at HQ in November it was ratified that future candidates for Judges Tests should have 3 Honours Passes OR 3 first class passes of not less than 90%.
- March – 33 attended
- 70th Anniversary Trophy – subject for December Competition – Christmas Table Decoration – any medium.
- Housewives Rally – Friday 11th March to be opened & prizes by Lady Anne-Louise Hamilton-Dalrymple. Berwickshire Federation to be Judges. Guests: National Chairman, Mrs M Mackie; General Secretary, & Members from both Mid & West Lothian Federations.
- Diaries – £1.20
- Autumn Fair in Corn Exchange on 22nd October, 16 Institutes participating.
- Gifford holding an Open Mtg. by Potato Marketing Board in March.
- Competition for Dairy Log Supreme to be judged at Federation level at October Mtg. winner: Mrs Hood – Kingston/NB
- H&H – First Class & an Honours Certificate presented to Mrs AB Clark, Humbie & Honours Certificate to Mrs JI Stewart, Kingston/NB
- June Mtg. – 34 attended
- Golf – Kingston/NBerwick won the Arthur Taylor Trophy & go forward to play in the finals at Crieff.
- Anne Wallace Sugar Sifter Competition – for Clootie Dumpling won at EL level by Mrs Hodge, Humbie.
- Chairman thanked all who worked so hard to make the 1988 Rally such a success – which showed a profit of £485.55.
- HQ – Executive & Finance Committee require an input of £150,000 for HOS Fund. It had been receiving grants from SED, but now under threat of not receiving any more. National Chairman suggested that a donation of £1.25 per member be raised. Federation offered to help top-up any leeway. Money required is for: Admin, repairs to Property etc.
- Haddington Flower Show: Cup won by Kingston/NB.
- Dunbar Flower Show; Cup won by Haddington
- East Lothian Federation along with Shetland to do flower arranging for Nov. CC Meetings.
- Haddington WRI hold raffle for RNLI.
- Glasgow Garden Festival – members urged to attend & visit the SWRI Room, where money is raised for Arthritic Research. EL sent £10. Cheque for £12,365.19 presented to Arthritis & Rheumatism Research, gathered by SWRI at Glasgow Festival.
- Executive Committee disappointed with small profit made on SWRI goods sold at Rally.
- October Meeting. – 32 attended.
- National Conference – Kingston/N.B.’s resolution re. hospitals carried unanimously.
- Vice-Chairman Mrs M McDougall sent in her resignation after 5 years. Chairman Mrs E Armatage to resign after 2 years. Mrs Armatage agreed to continue for her term of office. Mrs I Harrison, Gifford sole nominee for Vice-Chairman
- December Meeting- 26 attended.
- Federation Secretary & many East Lothian Institutes have written to John Home Robertson to give their support against the closure of Roodlands Hospital. Federation Secretary asked to write to Prime Minister regarding this.
- Autumn Fare – total figure raised £1642.
- Action Appeal – East Lothian Federation to hold Fashion Show to raise funds. Donations for raffle prizes, & home baking. Haddington held a Quiz Night & were congratulated on success of evening.
- 70th Anniversary Trophy – 2 members of Roxburgh Federation judged the Christmas Table Decoration & handed over the new pewter Quaich, won by Mrs Towsey, Haddington.
- Mrs N Robinson appointed SWRI representative on local Health Council.
- Date of Handicraft Rally – 11th & 12th May 1990.
- Dirleton awarded a Commended Certificate for Scotland in Bloom.
- Suggestion to purchase a badge with EL Fed. emblem of an Ugly at cost of £2.50. Institutes asked to return in March with nos. of those wishing to order.
- Some numbers:
- No. Institutes 1987 – 25, 1988 – 24
- No. Members 1987 – 749, 1988 – 720
- Largest Inst. Kingston/NB – 74
- Smallest : Morham – 8
- Average – 30
- Garvald & Cockenzie celebrated 60th Anniversary.
- September – a Danish lady visitor visited Hoprig where SWRI was born.
- Cooperation with outside bodies:- many involved with Meals on Wheels, Hospital Visiting
- March Mtg. – 34 attended
- Golf: East Lothian section to be played over Gifford on 15th May, Supper @ Tweedale – £5 Golf won by Kingston/Nberwick. Final in Edzell .In future the Institute hosting any Sports Final will be given £25 by HQ towards prize money.
- Federation Secretary received a note of confirmation of receipt of her letter re. Closure of local hospitals
- Action Appeal – Fashion Show by Dagmar Mason on 11th May in Town House – Tickets £1 Each Institute to provide a raffle prize & home baking. Profit from Show £196.88. £200 sent to Action Appeal
- Mrs Robinson, rep to Local Health Council stated that a press report was inaccurate reg. quality of meals. An open meeting to be held in local primary to discuss Acute Hospital Services
- At Federation level – Competition prior to H&H Conference in Rothesay – for A Dundee Cake – in 8″ tin.
- Diaries – £1.40
- Central Council Levy – £2 per member
- Magazine – 40p in April
- June Meeting – 31 attended.
- Federation Badge – as not enough members were interested in purchasing the badge, it was decided not to go ahead with an order.
- Central Council Levy & Federation Dues – Institutes were asked their opinion on whether the levy should be set at £2.50 per member for the next 3 years – 13 Institutes agreed, 1 against & 10 did not reply.
- Quaich Trophy Competition: an A4 Poster advertising the 1990 Handcraft Rally in 5 colours only.
- National Chairman & Vice – Chairman visit East Lothian in Dirleton Church Hall on 13th June. A good turnout is asked for. Nat. Chairman suggested the following:
- AT Institute Level:
- Use Members own Talents;
- Hold European Nights;
- Other Organisation’s Nights
- Talk on Husband’s Job
- Federation Level:
- To form groups – after discussion it was decided not to proceed with this, but to encourage Institutes to try inter-Institute meetings once a year.
- AT Institute Level:
- Federation Get-Together: proposed to have an annual get-together . Institutes asked to put forward proposals of what form it should take.
- Suggestion: that the Quaich Competition for 1990 be a 10-Minute entertainment. Any profit made from this to be set aside to buy raffle prizes for 1992 Rally.
- It was unanimously agreed that a cup of tea be served after each Federation Meeting.
- Oct. Mtg. – 25 attended. Mrs Armatage & Mrs Clark wish to retire in December.
- Photocopying costs to increase from 10p per sheet to 15p.
- Handicrafts Rally 1990 – Fife Federation agreed to judge.
- December Meeting. – 29 attended.
- Office Bearers’ Meeting – 6th Nov. when senior office bearers explained their duties. The meeting broke up into groups when members discussed aspects at Institute level.
- Quaich Trophy – Poster Competition judged by Mr F Holland. The winner being Mrs Rae Ross of Saltoun.
- Scotwalk ’90 – following Institutes showing interest in Federation Scotwalk – Gifford; Saltoun; Macmerry & Tranent. – from North Berwick to Dirleton in April
- Rally 1990 – Mrs Armatage showed those present the Armatage Rose Bowl to be presented to the Institute with 20 members or less taking part in the Cooperative Competitive.
- An experiment for 1990 to hold March & December Meetings from 2pm – 4pm, & June & October at 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm.
- Observer to Education Committee – Mrs Elder appointed as from May 1990
- Ideal Home Road Show Demonstration – Wednesday 10th January in Village Hall, West Barns.
- Cockenzie WRI closed.
- Morham hold 60th Birthday Party. Humbie held 70th Party. Oldhamstocks held 60th Party.
- Number of Institutes in 1989 – 24
- Number of Members in 1989 – 715
- Largest – Kingston/NB – 73
- Smallest Whitekirk – 9
- Average – 30
- Cooperation with outside bodies:- Vice-Chairman represents Federation on Health Council. Many members involved with Meals on Wheels, Hospital Visiting & Sunday School work.
- March Meeting – 29 attended
- Number of Institutes 1989 – 24, 1990 – 22
- Number of Members – 1989 – 715, 1990 – 610, a loss of 105
- Largest Institute – Kingston/NB – 74; Smallest – Morham & Whitekirk with 9
- Prestonkirk WRI congratulated on their 70th Anniversary.
- H&H subscription – Institutes were asked to vote for or against a levy of 10p per member. 13 institutes were in agreement, 5 against & 5 did not reply, thus allowing each Institute member to any of the competitions H&H hold during the session.
- H&H holding Crafts Advisors classes in March on Samplers & Applique; Cost – £4 per subject.
- Scotwalk – 4th April @ 7.00 pm from Strathearn Rd. N. Berwick to Dirleton Church Hall – £368.60 raised
- Rally – 11th & 12th May. Judges Fife Federation & Guests: Mrs Barclay, Handcrafts Convenor & S Roberts, Magazine Convenor also 2 representatives from Berwick & 2 from Peebles Federations.
- Golf – to be played in May over Gullane No. 3. Finals at Ranfurly Golf Club. Bowls – Aberlady won the Taylor Trophy & will go on to play the winners of Berwickshire at Dunbar in June.
- Annual Quaich Competition entertainment of not less than 10 minutes& no more than 15, in Corn Exchange, 5th November.
- Federation Dues – £2.50 p.a.
- Diaries – £1.50
- Health Report from Federation Representative mentioning the format of Health Council is to be changed, & awaiting a White Paper of services in East Lothian. Mrs Robinson then attended a meeting re the closure of Roodlands Hospital, & stated that a petition would be available in the County for signatures, but also a plea to members to write as individuals to the MP. At October Meeting Mrs Robinson stated that in January 1991 the 4 Health Councils of Lothians would be amalgamated with only 2 reps. From East Lothian (at the time there being 15).
- Federation Press Secretary suggests a Press Secretaries School to Institutes. A get-together of Press Secretaries to be held – 15th October in Corn Exchange
- June Meeting 7.30 pm – 42 attended.
- Driver of the Year Competition: Mrs J Welsh of Kingston/NB was winner & Mrs W Wilson was runner-up of East Lothian competition.
- October Meeting – 25 attended.
- 70th Anniversary Trophy – National Chairman, Mrs M Mackie to adjudicate – competitors being Gifford; Gullane; & Saltoun. Gifford won the Trophy & a profit of £53 to go into a special account for expenses for any future competitions.
- Dunbar Show – Haddington won the trophy. Haddington Show – Kingston/NB Won trophy.
- Dunbar WRI closed in May.
- December meeting – 30 attended
- H&H – final to Dairy Cooks’ Competition – Devil’s Food Cake to be held on 22nd January 1991
- Mrs JR Dewar elected Chairman of Federation; Mrs D Baker Vice; also Mrs I Harrison & Mrs M Robinson remain in office. Mrs B Hay agreed to stay as Federation Secretary for 1 more year.
- March Meeting. – 29 attended; Chairman – Mrs Dewar
- Due to being unable to book the Corn Exchange the Autumn Fair will now be held in 1993
- Golf: to be played at East Lothian level over Longniddry on 20th May.
- Health Council – Mrs Robinson stated that it was with great sadness she had attended the final meeting of the East Lothian Health Council.
- The 3 Central Councillors, Mrs E Armatage; Mrs S Duncan & Mrs D Baker have been allocated districts, so Institutes can contact them to ask for help or for a visit.
- Federation Get-together – 22nd October, Corn Exchange from 6.00 – 9.00Form of Coffee Evening – price 70p. Mrs M Kidd, National Chairman speaker. Competition for 70th Anniversary Trophy to take place ‘Halloween’ – 2 Girdle Treacle Scones; 1 Toffee Apple; 1 Pair of Knitted Mitts; 1 Peg Doll depicting Halloween. The Judges of this Competition explained to each Institute the reason for their marking. 10 Institutes participated
- 1992 Rally – to Celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Federation – it was decided to hold a combined H&H Rally on 24/25 April 1992. £3 per Institute to be paid towards raffle.
- Devil’s Punchbowl Picture – normally presented to ‘The Most OutstandingArticle in the Rally’ is to be replaced by a more appropriate trophy. The picture was presented to Corn Exchange & hung in the Back Hall.
- H&H competition in May at East Lothian level – item A Battenburg Cake – winner to go forward to National Competition at Conference in McEwan Hall, Edinburgh, 25/26 September.
- June Mtg. – 32 attended Mrs Dewar in Chair.
- Golf – Taylor Trophy presented to Kingston/N.B team who go on to play at Golspie.
- Bowling: Mrs Taylor presented Tranent with Simpson Salver, who go on to play at Bonnyrig.
- Mrs M Howden elected Convenor of H&H..
- Dairy Cook’s Competition – Mrs Nisbet, Garvald winner in finals in Edinburgh,her prize being a holiday in Switzerland.
- October Meeting. – 34 attended
- WRI 75th Anniversary – East Lothian to receive the Banner from HQ on 22nd May 1992 at Central Council & hand on to Midlothian on 7th June at a Garden Party in Queen Street Gardens.. Suggested to hold a Dinner on 29th May or 5th June to give all Institutes the opportunity to see the Banner. Dinner – 29th May 1992 in Community Hall, Longniddry; 8 tickets per Institute @ £8 each.
- To replace the Punchbowl as a Trophy, a silver photoframe has been gifted for ‘Best in Show’ for Handcrafts, a wooden platter will be gifted for ‘Best in Show for Housewives.
- H&H – Fabric Painting Class arranged for March 1992 for 10 members.
- £15 sent from Federation as donation to National Chairman’s Retiral.
- Scottish Country Dance Class to be held in April at Pitlochry.
- Secretary’s Honorarium increased to £160, Treasurer’s to £80.
- December Meeting. – 28 attended. Mrs Dewar in Chair
- Closure of Whitekirk WRI as the number of members had dropped to 5.
- Federation Get-Together – 50 members attended. Humbie won the ‘Halloween’ competition, presented Trophy by National Vice-Chairman, Mrs M Lamont.
- Purchase of a new photocopier from Capital Copiers at a cost of £850 – no service charge, but charge of 1.5p per copy.
- Mrs E Edmiston elected as Vice-Chairman. No nominations for either Press Secretary or Federation Secretary, as both due to retire, but both willing to continue until March 1992.
- 70th Anniversary Trophy – as not possible to engrave names on Trophy, it was decided to present a book along with the trophy, with all names in it.
- Magazine to cost 50p in January 1992.
- 1991/92 – No. Institutes: 21, 1990/1 :22
- Number of Members: 1991/92: 603, 1990/91: 610, a loss of 7 members
- Largest Institute: Kingston/NB: 69
- Smallest Morham: 9
- Average: 29
- March Meeting. – 25 attended – Mrs Dewar in Chair
- Bowling: Mrs Deans Convenor of Bowling stated that 5 teams had agreed to participate. West Barns won the East Lothian play-off.
- Golf: Kingston N/B to hold East Lothian play-off at Glen Club on 25th May. Kingston/NB won.
- Proposed to cancel the Soft Toy stall at Autumn Fair & perhaps a 10% of takings from each stall be put to providing comfort for the bed-ridden & elderly. – Spenco Mattress Appeal.
- Constitution to be revised – proposal sent out to Institutes to discuss – esp. No. 6 – which cuts out the March & October meetings, & suggests s Newsletter to be sent out instead. Accepted – to be ratified at Dec. Mtg. To be reviewed after 3 years.
- Residential School at Craigie College, Ayr, cost £135.
- Potato Marketing Board Competition: Orange Sponge to be judged at H&H Mtg. in April.
- Quiz: all Institutes to be issued with 20 copies of quiz to boost Federation funds.
- Federation Fees: for next 2 years – £3
- June Meeting. – 31 attended Mrs Dewar in Chair
- 70th Anniversary Trophy: Competition: A Christmas Card. – to be judged in Town House, on 12th November, when the National Vice-Chairman, Mrs M Kidd will speak.
- 1992 Rally – Treasurer disappointed with financial result – entries down despite it was a combined Housewives & Handcraft Rally. It was agreed to hold a one-day show every 3 years be held & appoint a Rally Secretary.
- Highland Show 1993 – East Lothian to be on duty with Orkney & Midlothian – Institutes asked to give full support.
- SWRI 75th Anniversary: Mrs Dewar presented with Jubilee Flag at CC Mtg. on 22nd May. Flag going all around Scotland & on to Balmoral when office bearers will take tea with the Queen. The Banner was at the SWRI Golf Final at North Berwick, Dirleton, H&H meeting, Morham The original WRI hut Longniddry; Torness Power Station; Federation Dinner. Dirleton Primary School; Federation Mtg. Hoprig Mains, before being handed over to Midlothian. National Chairman asks all Institutes to celebrate this anniversary.
- 75th Anniversary Survey – Forms sent to Institutes to complete giving information regarding classes held by them.
- Federation Fees to increase by 20p to £2.80
- 6th October Meeting. – 27 attended. Mrs Dewar in Chair
- 1992 Autumn Fair: 11 Institutes taking part. 10% of each Institute’s takings to go to Spenco Mattress Appeal. Total of £1263 raised – £171.60 sent to Mattress Appeal
- Federation Get-Together 12th November – Quaich Competition – Christmas Card to be judged. National. Vice-Chairman, Mrs May Kidd gave talk. 7 Institutes taking part in Give Us A Clue
- Café Continental – during Haddington Week – WRI raised £153, which will purchase 2 Spenco Mattresses & remainder of money to go to Save The Children.
- Stenton WRI going into abeyance for one year.
- As SWRI receive grants from Scottish Education Dept. HQ require information regarding classes at Institute level.
- December Meeting. – 27 attended – Mrs Dewar in Chair
- Large turnout at Federation Get-Together. Dirleton won Give Us A Clue Competition
- Mrs Sandra Duncan gained her Housewives’ Judges Badge. Brenda Simpson gained 3 Honours Passes in Handcraft Tests. – i.e. 95% or above in each test.
- New Constitution: Federation now to hold 2 Meetings per annum – June & December with News Letters in March & October.
- Highland Show 1993- Committee formed from Mid & East Lothian. To help defray expenses a Quiz to be sold to Institutes. East Lothian members of Committee: Mrs Dewar Sec. Mrs Armatage – Treasurer & Mrs Edmiston; Mrs N Robinson. & Mrs B Simpson. Proposed name for exhibition: ‘This is The Rural’.
- Catherine Blair Exhibition in January. Institutes asked for Rural Memorabilia.
- Golf: In future representatives in finals will be paid a maximum of £15 per night for accommodation plus their other expenses.
- In Treasurer’s Report – Mrs Sandra Duncan showed a balance of £1,154 – big expense being the photocopier.
- Still no nominations for Federation Secretary – Mrs B Hay retired. All correspondence to go to Chairman
- First Newsletter to be sent out in March 1993.
- Number of Institutes: 20. No. Members: 521
- Largest Institute: 55; Smallest: 8; Average: 26
- Class on Carrickmacross lace. One-Day School on Cookery;
- Tests on Nutrition: Miss R Scott – Kingston/NB gained Honours. Tests on Baking & sweet making: Mrs D Baker gained 1st Class Certificates
- Mrs Young, Longniddry won a holiday after winning both a milk marketing competition & Anne Wallace Sugar Sifter Competition.
- Cooperation with outside bodies: Charity Shops; as well as those previously recorded.
- Diaries: £2.10
- Golf – Prestonkirk organising – to be played over Dunbar East Links – 24th May
- Bowling: Tranent wond the National Bowling Competition in Angus in August
- Driver of the Year Competition: 5 members taking part in this National competition.
- Mrs Dewar asked for demonstrators & stewards for Highland Show. Usual position for Rural exhibition at Show in Gallery to cost a rental of £2760, OR a free space in the Village with a grant of £400 to help cover cost of marquee complete with a water supply, electricity etc. – the latter being accepted. Raffle prizes of £200 & £100 plus others. This being the only find raising event of 1993.Articles required for Sales Table – baking sweets; craft articles, knitting – all to be of small size with a ceiling of £5 cost. East Lothian share of profits from Show: £1646.57 – approximately twice that of 10 years ago.
- Federation Subscriptions: Income received annually after payment to HQ is £109.16. Honorariums account for £240. Also other payments involved in participation in National Competitions. In order to keep Federation viable it might be necessary to increase subscriptions to £5. Agreed that Fed. Dues would be £4 to be paid at June 1994 meeting, & raised 50p yearly thereafter.
- Mrs E Armatage offered to take post of Federation Secretary temporarily.
- Spenco Mattresses – already 2 donated to East Lothian & another 3 being arranged.
- H&H – had to cancel 1-day school on Meals For One due to lack of support. A 2-Day School in beadwork is full.
- Again participating in Café Continental in June – monies raised to go to entry expenses of Stewards & Demonstrators to RHS.
- Annual Report 1993/94 – Number of Institutes: 20 No. Members: 548 Largest Inst.: 56, smallest: 10 Average 27
- Floral Art Tests to be held in August. One-Day School in Starters & Sweets
- Cooperation with outside bodies: Women’s Guild; Citizens Advice; Sunday School; Community Council; Girl Guides & Red Cross.
- Federation Dues of £3 per member to be paid in June
- June Meeting. – 40 attended Mrs Dewar in Chair. Secretary – Mrs Armatage
- Golf: Prestonkirk won EL section, & go to Campbeltown to finals. Bowling area finals to be played at Haddington Driver of the Year: Mrs Elder – Kingston/NB won area heat of competition.
- Federation Get-Together: 27th October taking form of General Knowledge Quiz. entrance price: £1.
- Daffodil Growers are rearing 2 Bulbs as ‘The Rural’ – a daffodil to celebrate the Rural Centenary. Mrs D Baker has been given one & Mrs E Armatage the other to monitor.
- December Meeting. – 26 attended – Mrs Dewar in Chair
- Mrs Anne Peacock appointed General Secretary at HQ.
- Sports Expenses: the cheapest form of transport be paid to those in National Finals.
- Kingston/NB had items for Bosnia Appeal.
- Mrs Betty Hay elected Federation Chairman. Mrs Emily Armatage as Federation Secretary.
- Annual Quaich Competition: Menu for a Special Occasion: won by Mrs Muriel Pate, 2nd Mrs Margaret Meston; 3rd Mrs Diane Holme.
- East Lothian members judged at Dalkeith Agricultural Show & Roxburgh Show & Berwickshire.
- March Newsletter – Federation Dues – £4; 15p per Institute for affiliation fees.
- Diary – £2.40
- Trophy Insurance: £3.50 pr trophy.
- Autumn Fair: Being unable to book the Corn Exchange & all other venues being too expensive, the fair cancelled, but hall booked for 16th November 1995.
- Exhibition & Show – formally known as the Rally the change to encourage visitors to come & view the work – to be held on 29th April 1995 – a one-day show.
- Haddington Festival Week – no participation by WRI this year
- Federation Get-Together –
- Pooling of Fares – 58p per member – due for payment 31st March
- National Conference competition – to be judged at Federation level on 24th May – subject – a Yule Log.
- June Meeting. – 33 attended. Mrs Betty Hay in Chair.
- Golf – Mrs B Porteous & Miss M Smith from Longniddry won area final & go forward to compete at Ballater & came 3rd in finals. Bowling – Mrs Deans & her team from West Barns won the area final &go forward to National final.
- H&H Guild – Mrs R Meikle convenor;
- Action Appeal Fund: Institutes wishing to apply for a grant from the fund to do so through the Federation. Events suitable for grant aid: Extra Schools or demonstrations; Core funding to launch some other fund-raising venture; Events to attract new or younger members; Open Meetings; Sporting Activities.
- Get-Together: 5th October – in the form of Give Us A Clue – 6 Institutes participating – entry 50p, also raffle. Profit going to Travel Fund for East Lothian representatives in National Finals Sports.
- 1994 Quaich Competition – to be judged at Federation Meeting, 6th December – subject Christmas Gift Wrapped Parcel – won by Mrs D Holm, Haddington – 14 entries
- September Newsletter:
- Institutes who have a Constitution are asked to send it along with 3 years’ Balance
- Sheets to Inland Revenue in order to register as a Charity.
- Kingston/NB won the WRI Cooperative Entry at Haddington Show. Mrs Chrichton, Kingston WRI won WRI Challenge Shield for a rich fruit cake at Dunbar Show.
- AGM of Federation – 6th December – Mrs Hay in Chair. – 27 attended. – 20 Institutes.
- Proposed Whist Drive on Monday, 6th March – cost of table £4 – Funds going to Sports Fund.
- Mrs E Young won a holiday to Florida in the Meat Marketing Board final competition.
- Mrs A Clark appointed Vice-Chairman of Federation. Mrs Armatage agreed to continue as Secretary.
- Humbie held 75th Anniversary with National Chairman, Mrs May Kidd & National Treasurer, Mrs Alison Bayley attending.
- Treasurer’s Report – states the increase in annual subscription to Federation has helped. Capital Copiers now charging 1.7p per copy for photocopying. Subscription for payment in June 1995 – £4.50 per member.
- Jimmy Shand Jnr. played a Jig & wrote the words for The Tartan Two Step at National Conference Ceilidh which was gifted to SWRI, to be played entirely free of copyright.
- Rural has now a Tartan designed by Kinloch Anderson to retail at approx. £19 per metre.
- Golf: to be played at EL level over Gullane No.3 on 22nd May. 2 players from Gifford to play in Finals at Largs in September.
- Bowling: Prestonkirk won the William Simpson Salver. Finals to be held at Coldstream 14th August.
- Autumn Fair: 18th November in Corn Exchange. Those Institutes participating to pay £2 towards rent of hall. + 50p for caretaking; 12 Institutes taking part. Quite well supported, but should finish earlier; suggestion that it be held in October.
- Federation Dues: £4.50 Plus 15p per Institute Affiliation Fee.
- Exhibition & Show – 29th April in Corn Exchange. H&H Sow deemed a success as a one day show, opened by National Chairman, with Fife & West Lothian as guests. Profit from Show – £596.37.
- Institutes asked to discuss if they wish the Get-Together t, due to be held in 1996 to continue.
- H&H – In May 9 ladies attended a 2-day school in Decoupage.
- June Meeting. – 33 attended. Mrs B Hay in Chair.
- Whist Drive on 6th March to boost funds for Sports Fund raised £192.02.
- Quaich Competition – subject – ‘A Child’s Christmas Stocking’ to be judged at AGM by Mrs Sarah Bathgate, Midlothian Fed. 13 entries – winner Mrs Jessie Main, Humbie
- 1966 Get Together in form of a fashion show by Mckays. April 3rd 1996. Tickets £1.50
- Mrs Sandra Duncan to resign as Treasurer at AGM. Vice Chairman, Mrs E Edmiston has completed 3 yr. period.
- Rural Magazine to up to 70p in January 1996.
- October Newsletter –
- AGM – 5th December – 26 attended – Mrs Hay in Chair
- Gullane won SWRI Trophy at Dunbar Show. Longniddry won at Haddington Show.
- Federation Dues payable June ’96 – £5.00
- Treasurer’s Report – funds in a healthy state, but cost of Corn Exchange rising, + postage & HQ have increased payment due by 1p to cover public liability insurance. Trophy insurance increased Blanket cover & insurance policy from HQ saved East Lothian Federation at least £35 for Exhibition & Show. Executive Committee Meeting at HQ reported that half travelling costs of teams reaching sport finals will be paid by HQ.
- Mrs Margaret Meston succeeded Mrs Sandra Duncan as Treasurer. Mrs Duncan was Secretary for 9 years. Treasurer receives £10 p.a. for phone calls; Secretary receives £20. Chairman visited 3 Institutes during year, & attended civic reception at H&H Conference at Stirling & reception at Edinburgh Castle
- February Newsletter
- Golf – to be played over Longniddry on 20th May. – Mrs B Porteous & Miss B Smith won & go on to National Final at Minto Golf Club, Roxburghshire. Due to illness, Longniddry team had to withdraw, & the runners-up, Prestonkirk took their place, coming 4th.
- Coffee Evening organised by Longniddry WRI on 8th March. Tickets £1 funds going to Sports Fund and raised £200.
- Bowling: Aberlady won area final & go on to Strathaven on 12th August for Finals.
- Federation Dues – £5 per member; 15p affiliation fee per Institute
- Diary costing £2.50; Calendar £2.60.
- Fashion Show at Mackays on 3rd April. Tickets £1.50. Institutes to donate raffle prize. Money raised was £318.66.
- H&H Dues; Institutes to pay 10p per member.
- Central Councillor Mrs D Baker to visit the following also required Syllabus of: Aberlady; Dirleton; Gifford; Gullane; Kingston/North Berwick; Longniddry; Oldhamstocks; Prestonkirk; West Barns. C C Mrs Emily Armatage to visitAthelstaneford; Garvald; Haddington; Humbie; Macmerry; Morham; Pencaitland; Saltoun; Spott; Tranent.
- National Macmillan Mile Walk from Strathearn Rd. North Berwick, or Greywalls Rd. Gullane to Dirleton Church Hall from 4th – 12th May. 9 Institutes & 60 members took part raising £1752.65
- Federation Mtg. – June @ 7.00 pm – Mrs B Hay in Chair – 28 attended.
- From Minutes of Dec. Mtg. Mrs M McDougal – Gifford asked that the Minute should record that Mrs S Duncan, Treasurer had retired, NOT resigned, also she was presented with a gift token. Seconded by Mrs R Meikle.
- Quaich Competition: A jar of Homemade Mincemeat to be judged on 3rd December. Judge: Mrs Lauder, Berwickshire Fed. Winner: Mrs J Main of Humbie
- New Office Bearers required for Dec. Mtg. – Chairman; Vice-Chairman; Press Secretary. Institutes to discuss whether it is still necessary to have 3 Vice-Chairmen as there are only 20 Institutes Vote Taken at AGM & passed that there should now be 2 Vice-Chairmen – 10 Institutes in favour.
- National Chairman held a ‘going away party’ at which Mrs B Hay & Mrs S Duncan attended.
- H&H – 9 ladies took part in tuition on The Modern Approach to Applique.
- Newsletter; – September
- Winners of WRI Competition at Haddington were Longniddry. Subject: ‘Comin’ Through the Rye’. Dunbar Flower Show: Mrs C Hastie, Gullane WRI won cup for her entry of a patchwork cushion.
- AGM – December – In Chair – Vice-Chairman Mrs Eva Edmiston – 23 attended. Treasurer’s Report: – boost to funds by successful Fashion Show, & magnificent donation to Sports Fund by Longniddry WRI. Because Federation. Account in secure state, not necessary to raise dues as in previous years. However the HQ levy is to be increased by 15p per member, therefore Fed Dues to be raised by that amount.
- Chairman visited to Aberlady & Gullane for their 70th Birthdays; Spott for their 75th; & visited Kingston & North Berwick, Haddington, Oldhamstocks during year.
- H&H – First Meeting in September: – 5 Members from Berwickshire joined with EL for a work class on Christmas Wrappings. Also a demonstration on modelling marzipan. Class on Machine Patchwork
- 1997 -Sutton Trophy – a create a card to commemorate the Centenary of Canadian Women’s Institutes – (1897 – 1997)
- Mrs Anne Clark – sole nominee for position as Chairman of Federation. Mrs Clark Accepted. There being no nomination for Press Secretary, Mrs McDougall offered to carry on for one year.
- Federation held first Meeting in September 1922, proposal to hold a Celebratory Dinner in 1997.
- Longniddry to hold 80th Birthday in June 1997, & President asked Institutes if they have memorabilia of photos of the early days.
- Number of Institutes: 19; Number of Members – 498
- Largest: 51; Smallest: 10
- Average: 26
- March Newsletter
- Schedules being prepared for 1998 Federation Exhibition & Show in May.
- 75th Anniversary to be held in Tranmare Hotel, Tranent at a cost of £7.50 for a 2 Course meal & Entertainment. Also a Raffle
- Autumn Fair: 18th October in The Corn Exchange, £2.50 per Institute taking part. 13 Institutes participating
- H&H Guild – Competition for East Lothian level to be judged by a Midlothian Federation member at June Mtg. is for 3 Varieties of 3 Different Kinds of Biscuits. – Anne Wallace Sugar Sifter Competition – winner: Mrs Anne Clark
- Longniddry WRI to hold an Exhibition of Crafts & History in Church Hall in June. Cost: £2.00, which includes refreshments.
- Photocopying to cost 8p per sheet.
- June Meeting. In Chair: Mrs Anne Clark – 44 attended
- H&H holding a 2-day school at Mallard on Cathedral Patchwork in early October.
- Golf: Prestonkirk won the area play-down & go on to play in National Finals at Clydebank. Bowling: Aberlady won area finals & play next round at Stirling.
- Quaich Competition: A Verse about anything the member wishes. To be judged at December Meeting.
- School for Office Bearers – 6th October.
- 1 Vice-Chairman & Press Secretary required at AGM.
- Newsletter: Prestonkirk WRI presented £40 to the Sports Fund
- Princess Royal Trust for Carers: Donations have been given from the following Institutes: Aberlady – £171.00; Gifford – £50.00; Gullane – £117.00.
- AGM – December 1997 – Mrs Anne Clark in Chair. – 27 attended.
- Federation 75th Birthday Party – a very successful evening.
- Autumn Fair: raised £1500 with 12 Institutes taking part, all Institutes making money apart from Gifford
- Treasurer’s Report: Levy to be raised by 15p, thus making dues to be paid in June 1998 £5.30 per member. Chairman’s Expenses – instead of being given £20 allowance, she should be given her expenses. The mileage allowance raised to 15p per mile.
- Quaich Competition: judged by Mr Ferguson, a retired teacher, was won by Mrs Ellen Ellis of Longniddry WRI – there were 11 entries.
- First Class Certificate in Preserving to Mrs Alison Bell;- Second Class Certificate to Mrs Main, both Spott WRI.
- Vice-Chairman: Mrs Sandra Duncan; Press Secretary: Mrs Alison Bell.
- Hostess Whist Drive – March 12th 1998 in Town House – £4.00 per Table, money going towards The Lotus Roundabout at Rachael House in memory of the children killed at Dunblane.
- Chairman visited Longniddry’s & Macmerry’s 80th Birthday Parties during year, also Dirleton’s 50th Party, demonstrating at Haddington; Kingston/NB & Garvald. She was invited to the City Chambers by the Lord Provost to a presentation on behalf of Erskine Hospital.
- 30 Knee Blankets made up of squares were donated to Roodlands Hospital during year. Squares knitted by members from many Institutes in EL
- Number of Institutes: 19; No. Members: 467
- Largest Inst.: 53; Smallest: 7
- Average: 24
- Hardanger Class to be held during year.
- 1 – Day Cookery School to be held December ’98 with Meat & Livestock & Seafood Industry.
- H&H Exhibition in Corn Exchange, Haddington, May ’98.
- Judges Training Day in June ’98.
- March Newsletter – A copy of Constitution Amendments of SWRI passed at National Conference in September 1997 sent out to all Institutes for their safe-keeping.
- Bowling: Aberlady played Prestonkirk at West Barns, with Aberlady the winners, who go forward to the National Finals at Fenwick, Ayrshire.
- Golf: at EL level to be played over Gifford. Prestonkirk the winners, but unable to play in National Finals, thus Gullane ladies to take their place at Peebles in September.
- Quaich Competition: subject: a crochet 6inch square in double yarn. Competitors wishing to make more than one square may do so, as all squares will be made into knee-blanket for Roodlands Hospital. 16 entries, judged by a member of Berwickshire Federaton – winner: Mrs Jessie Main, Humbie.
- Federation Dues: £5.30 per member + 15p Affiliation Fee
- Diaries: £2.65 & Calendars: £2.65
- Exhibition & Show: 2nd May. Donations required for Sales Table & for Teas. Each Institute to donate £3 to buy Raffle Prizes for Show. Any Institute having a Banner or Shield & wishing to display at Show may do so. The National Treasurer, Mrs A Bailey; Mrs M Whiteford, H&H Secretary, & representatives from Berwickshire, Peebleshire & Selkirkshire attended. Mrs Betty Bell, Humbie opened the Show. Profit £520.34
- H&H holding demonstrations on Baking, Salt Dough, & Modern Applique. Work Classes on Christmas Floral Decorations, Christmas Parcel Wrapping, & a 2-Day School on Colour & Design.
- 21st April 1998 – The Inland Revenue officially recognise East Lothian Federation as a Scottish Charity, & thus given a Tax Reference.
- June Meeting. – Mrs Anne Clark in Chair – 32 attended
- Haddington WRI holding a Show of Crafts Past & Present on 21st November. They also held a competition for children’s cardigans with 23 being entered, & which went on to Edinburgh Direct Aid to Bosnia.
- Anne Wallace Sugar Sifter Competition – subject: A Border Tart – at East Lothian level winner: Mrs McIntosh, of Longniddry WRI, & 2nd Mrs Alison Bell, Spott WRI. Sirdar Competition for a Child’s Round Neck Sweater: won by Mrs Thomson, Longniddry & 2nd Mrs M Pate, Humbie. Judged by 2 members of Midlothian Fed. at June Meeting. H&H committee agreed to alter date of AGM from May to December to be in line with Federation. At December AGM a new Secretary & Vice-Chairman required.
- H&H Mrs M Burgon elected convenor of H&H at May Meeting when a Pot Luck Supper was held to celebrate 50 years of H&H. A celebratory cake was cut.
- Central Councillors for Triennium beginning May ’98 – Executive Committee – Mrs Rita Meikle, Longniddry WRI International Committee – Mrs Eva Edmiston, Gullane WRI, Federation Representative on H&H committee: Mrs Sandra Duncan, Aberlady WRI.
- The McMillan Mile – the following Institutes took part this year: Aberlady; Dirleton; Gifford; Gullane; Longniddry & Spott, & Kingston/NB raising between them £1007.
- Education Summer School held in Shetland with classes in Painting, oil & pastels, china painting; picture framing; step dance; & geology.
- September Newsletter: Sports Fund requires topping up with donations.
- December AGM – Mrs Anne Clark inChair – 25 attended
- Treasurer’s Report: Healthy balance due to successful Exhibition & Show & interest accrued on the account. Federation dues to be increased by 10p – thus in June the dues per member to be paid would be £5.40. Central Council Levy to be £3.75, leaving £1.65 to Federaton.
- Cookery Day – 5th December – Meat & Livestock Commission to give demonstration a.m. lunch served & Seafood Industry Authority in afternoon. Disappointment to lack of support – only 41 members paid £5 for the day.
- H&H Exhibition & Show agreed to hold next show in 2000.
- Appointments: Mrs Betty Hay proposed as Vice-Chairman, but willing only to take on for one year.
- Secretary: no nominations for this post, Mrs E Armatage willing to continue.
- Chairman’s Report: Cookery demonstrations in Longniddry; Tranent & Gullane. Floral demonstration at Athelstaneford; East Lothian asked to judge at Peebles Show. Attended Midlothian Show, 80th Birthday of Midlothian Federation;
- Magazines to cost 80p in April 1999
- February Newsletter –
- Autumn Fair – 23rd October in Corn Exchange – 10 Institutes proposing to participate. – No Cost for hire of hall – all monies raised go to Institutes taking part.
- Golf – to be played at EL level over Gullane No. 3. National Final played over Tain in September. – Longniddry WRI winners, going forward to National Final in Ross-shire. Bella Porteous & Hilda Nicol were runners up in final.
- Quiz to be sold at Autumn Fair to raise funds for Sports Fund.
- Bowling: Aberlady won EL area competition, & went on to play at Inverness at National Final.
- Quaich Competition: The 1998 competition for 6″ crochet squares made up into a total of 30 knee blankets which were donated to Roodlands Hospital to the East Fortune Wing.
- H&H – Sugar Sifter Competition this year – subject: 4 Shortbread Biscuits.
- Calendar & Diaries: Both £2.60.
- H&H – A 2-Day School on Hardanger to be held in the Mallard Hotel, Gullane at a cost of £10.
- Judges’ Training Day: to be held on 12th June – Mrs Sandra Duncan & Mrs Ruth Dewar to give advice to students. – 10 members took part.
- June Mtg. – Mrs Anne Clark in Chair – 32 attended. East Lothian to provide judges for the following shows: Perth & Kinross Federation; Westruther; & Fife Federation.
- Autumn Fair: October 23rd – 10 Institutes to take part – £1,600 raised
- Notification that at the AGM in December Federation looking for a Vice-Chairman & Secretary.
- Haddington WRI organising Shoe Box collection for Kosovo Refugees – non-perishable items to be collected at Autumn Fair. 85 shoe boxes sent to Kosovo.
- HQ – National Raffle – Money prizes instead of gifted items, due to cost of postage. Competition Fees for National Council paying 17p in £ VAT.
- Summer Schools held in Skye & Galashiels.
- Levies: Central Council Levy to be raised to £3.75 including a charge for Public Liability & Exhibition items insurance. £5.40 is paid to Federation who then pass on £3.75 to HQ & remainder goes to Federation funds.
- Handicrafts: the stools made for the Queen’s Silver Wedding have been repaired & returned to Holyrood. These repairs were done by WRI ladies.
- September Newsletter:
- Exhibition & Show planned for May 2000.
- At AGM in December Chairman stands down; Vice-Chairman – Mrs Betty Hay stands down & Secretary.
- AGM – December Meeting – Mrs Sandra Duncan in Chair – 31 attended
- Intimation of Triennial National Conference to be held in Festival Theatre on 13th/’14th September 2000. Theme is ‘Looking Outward’. Anne Wallace Sugar Sifter Competition is for ‘A Round of Butter Shortbread’, to be competed for at first at Institute level, then Federation, prior to national.
- Treasurer’s Report – Bank balance healthy at September 30th 1999 at £5359 – but an amount is necessary to cover purchase of a new photocopier & other expenses, also East Lothian’s hosting Golf Finals in 2001, & 80th Celebration in 2002.
- Recommended that Federation Due be raised to £5.50 per member. Central Council Levy raised by 20p to £3.95 per member, leaving Federation £1.45 from the 450 members to cover all costs.
- Pooling of Fares calculated at £17.50 per Institute; No. of Institutes being 18 = £315.00. By dividing £315 by no. members = 70p per member .
- Annual Quaich Competition – 10 entries: – winner – Mrs Margaret Webster, Haddington WRI – a judge came from Peebles Federation.
- H&H donation of food for Cat & Dog Home – excellent response.
- Appointments: Chairman: Mrs Emily Armatage; Athelstaneford; Vice-Chairman: Mrs Alison Bell; Spott; Secretary: Mrs Margaret Morrison; Prestonkirk; Press Secretary: Mrs Fiona Edwards, Haddington.
- Newsletter – February: Sports Fund badly needing a cash injection. There had been a fund-raising Sport Fund Quiz with the winner from Haddington gaining 24 points out of 24! -£82 was raised by Gifford SWRI who organised the Quiz.
- Golf: to be played over Longniddry on 15th May
- Annual Quaich Competition: Subject: ‘ A Christmas Tree Decoration -Any Craft
- Anne Wallace Sugar Sifter Competition -A Round of Butter Shortbread -competed for at first Institute level, then Federation level at June Rally the winner then competing at National level. Winner: Mrs Margaret Thomson of Longniddry WRI
- Calendars: £2.75 & Diaries: £2.60
- Haddington Festival Cafe -Federation to take part on Saturday, 18th June -Money raised going to CHAS. Contributions of baking required. Cheque for £145 sent to CHAS.
- H&H -Demonstration of Christmas crafts in December 1999. A Burns afternoon in January with music from Haddington Fiddlers. February – demonstration of Hawaiian Patchwork. March – a Cookery Demonstration of cake decoration by Mrs Speight. April – a speaker on Model Making. May – Mr John Anderson, Butcher, North Berwick.
- June Meeting: -Mrs Emily Armatage in Chair -31 attended
- The Executive Committee asked the Press Secretary to write to Institutes for comments, queries & suggestions regarding the Exhibition & Show, which took place in May. The results of this enquiry were distributed to those attending the June meeting. There was a great deal of discussion regarding several matters – viz HQ’s yellow sheet laying down the requirements for displaying floral arrangements One member from Humbie felt that the show rules were too dogmatic, & thus discourage members from showing their work. After much discussion it was agreed that Mrs Fiona Edwards, Press Secretary, & Mrs Alison Bell, Vice-Chairman should send out to each Institute a Survey of Housewives, & a survey of Handcrafts to gather information as to what members were wishing to make.
- The Treasurer, Mrs M Meston gave a short account of monies received at the Show, & expenses. There were 40 fewer visitors than attended the previous show.
- HQ wrote to Secretary asking if Federation were willing to display small items in the showcase in the foyer of HQ. This was agreed to by members present at meeting.
- A Fashion Show to be held on 19th September at Mackays store in Haddington. Tickets £3.00
- The Press Secretary was asked to keep a list of Demonstrators to help Institutes from their Syllabus.
- In her report Mrs Margaret Burgon mentioned that, she, Mrs Eva Edmiston, Mrs Rita Meikle, Mrs Bella Porteous & Mrs Margaret Morrison attended a reception at HQ to welcome a group of ladies from rural Finland.
- October Newsletter
- A Fashion Show & raffle held in Mackays, Haddington raised funds for Federation in the region of £400.
- Golf: The Secretary asked for members willing to offer Bed & breakfast accommodation for visitors to the SWRl National golf Competition at Haddington.
- Institute Get-together -the Chairman suggested a Get-Together of all Institutes in Federation to be held in the Spring of 2001, in order to discuss any ideas & problems Institutes might have. At AGM the subject was well discussed, & West Barns suggested that the Executive Committee should go out & visit Institutes
- Highland Show – EL & Mid Lothian & Orkney allocated to man the stand at RHS in 2003. This should have been the year that EL Federation Exhibition & Show should be held in May, but a suggestion that the Exhibition should be brought forward to October 2002.
- Surveys sent out by Fiona Edwards & Alison Bell to be completed at next Mtg. so a complete survey can be given at the AGM.
- Haddington Horticultural Show- Kingston/NB won first prize, with Haddington second.
- East Lothian Federation: now has 17 Institutes with the closure of Garvald in 2000. Membership now stands at 427, with Kingston/NB the largest Institute, & Morham with 8 the smallest.
- Chairman presented Mrs Elma Deans with a Long Service Certificate, praising her for her hard work on Federation Executive Committee, West Barns Institute & for organising the Bowling Competition for so many years.
- Treasurer’s Report -a very satisfactory Account. The balance was depleted at beginning of year by the purchase of a computer & printer/copier/fax machine, along with office equipment. Sports Fund received 2 donations -one from Gifford, previously recorded & one raised by Mrs Anne Clark for the sum of £50. Moneys also received from Longniddry & Prestonkirk WRI. The Sports Fund is still ‘in the red’, & with the National Golf Finals in 2001, Executive Committee decided to dispense with the Sports Fund, & in future all sporting expenses to be paid from Federation Account & no longer asking for voluntary subscription from Institutes. This called for an increase in Federation levy to £5.75 due to be paid in June 2001 – an increase of25p per member. Thus, after payment of £4.25 is made to HQ Central Council, Federation retains £4.25
- Chairman called to members to accept the Honorariums paid to both Treasurer & Secretary be increased -to £ l00 to the Treasurer; £200 to the Secretary, to be reviewed after 3 years
- Mrs Christine Russell told members that Tranent WRI had held a Coffee Evening in November & had raised £190 for CHAS. It was intimated that in the March Newsletter that Federation would hold either a Lunch or Coffee Evening in aid of CHAS
- Quaich Competition: a large class of 20 Christmas Tree Decorations -competed for the Annual Quaich Competition. Mrs Alison Bell was awarded first prize
- H&H Guild: after Mrs M Burgon, Convenor, gave her report, Mrs D Baker, Treasurer asked members whether, due to poor attendance, it was worth continuing with the Guild. The Secretary of the Guild was asked to send out a letter to all Institutes to encourage a better attendance. Members were reminded that H&H required a new Vice-Convenor & Treasurer.
- Questionnaires: Mrs Alison Bell gave her results of the Housewives Questionnaire sent out -It was suggested that a fruit & flower section might be included in Show & that more posters distributed & advertisements to publicise the event.
- RHS – it was still undecided as to whether East Lothian should take part in the 2003 RHS. HQ would require to know at the earliest if it was decided to decline. Not enough Institutes were present at AGM to come to a decision.
- The Secretary was asked to make a reservation at the Corn Exchange for the Autumn Fair for a Saturday in October 2001.
- Mrs Christine Russell to succeed Mrs Sandra Duncan as H&H Representative for Federation.
- Mrs Sandra Duncan agreed to remain as Vice-Chairman for the next three years.
- Mrs Eva Edrniston told members that the hand-knitted puppets worked for the Playfair Hannay Competition at the National Conference had gone to the children of Chernobyl, to hospitals & schools in Malawi & for Asian children at The Well in Glasgow. A letter of sympathy had been sent from the International Committee to Holland after the terrible gas explosion.
- Rita Meikle -Executive Committee Mtg. stated that the HQ alarm System had been upgraded & new office equipment purchased. There was a recommendation for the ratification by C C in May 2001 for a rise of 25p in C C levy. HQ asked Rurals to ‘have their say’ on Royal Patronage.